Andy Walton
Three Places That Need Your Prayers This Weekend
Each week we report on places across the world. Here's a guide to help you pray for various parts of the world that need God's presence this weekend.
Why It's Ok To Be A 'Spineless Christian'
For many parts of the Church, being 'spineless' has become one of the contemporary 'deadly sins'. But is being spineless really as bad as it sounds?
Faith Is The Number One Influence On How Americans Vote
A new survey says Americans will be influenced by their faith more than any other factor in the upcoming Presidential election.
Are Churches Really As Unwelcoming As Surveys Say?
A survey today from pro-LGBT campaigners in the Church of England claimed many people feel disenfranchised and unwelcome at church. The initial figures made for depressing reading...
Research Shows People Who Believe In God Understand The World Less? Hang On A Minute...
Many of us who are believers will have excellent reasons to back up and ground our faith. We know this â and it's frustrating when others presume we don't.
The More People Have Benefits Stopped, The More They Turn To Food Banks
New research from Christian-based charity the Trussell Trust suggests that taking away benefits from people as a punishment means they end up using foodbanks.
The Tax Collector And The Pharisee: How God's Mercy Is Shown To Unexpected People
One of the best examples of Jesus' radical parables is the Parable of The Pharisee and the Tax Collector in Luke 18.
Tom Wright: Church Must Reclaim Its Prophetic Role In Society
The leading theologian this week turned his attention to how the Church and the media should relate to each other.
Only One In Six Americans Fully Trust Religious Leaders
Only 13 per cent of Americans say they have a "great deal" of confidence in religious leaders to act in the best interests of the public.
10 Places Which Tell The Story Of Christian History In Britain
American readers may note that the pound is currently at a low ebb and may be eyeing a trip across the pond. For visitors from near and far, here is a list of 10 places to visit which have a spiritual significance...
This Spiritual Practice Is Shared By Millions Around The World Every Day
The Examen was developed by St Ignatius of Lloyola â a Spanish soldier who abandoned his military career once he had converted to Christianity. He developed a series of techniques which he wrote down as The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola.
UN Criticised For Downplaying Jewish Links To Jerusalem's Temple Mount
A United Nations agency has prompted an angry response after a statement over one of the world's most controversial site. UNESCO â the organization which deals with culture and heritage â has issued a resolution which emphasizes the Muslim character of the site.