Andy Walton
Musician Convicted Of Child Abuse Beaten To Death In Church
A convicted child abuser has been beaten to death while playing in a church music group in Argentina.
What Is The Future Of The Religious Right Under A Trump Presidency?
The Religious Right has proven it is far from moribund. Having flexed its muscles to carry Trump to the Presidency it now resumes its traditional role while there is a Republican in office â watching and waiting for him to deliver.
Should Protestants Pay More Attention To Mary? And What's The Immaculate Conception Anyway?
What is the Immaculate Conception? Why do some Christians believe it and others don't?
Megachurch Pastor Forced To Step Down Over Alcohol Says He Won't Seek Quick Route Back Into Ministry
A former megachurch pastor who left his position after admitting a drinking problem and issues related to his marriage, says he won't be returning to frontline church ministry.
Patience Is A Virtue: Here's Why It's Good To Wait For Something Important...
Patience is a pretty unfashionable word in contemporary culture. Here's why we need it...
Why We Need To Be More Like Children To Really Understand Advent And Christmas
Children teach us how to wait. They count down until the day itself and only then will their full joy be unleashed.
The World Is In A Mess. The Common Good Offers A Way Out
Rejecting both big-state socialism and unbridled free-market capitalism, Catholic Social Thought advocates a common good which genuinely attempts to find ways in which all can flourish.
Bishop: Church Too Middle Class, Must Listen To Poor Communities
The Bishop of Burnley's commnent piece for the Church Times also finds him railing against the middle class bias of the Church, and reflecting on the election of Donald Trump and the Brexit vote.
Why We Need To Stop Calling Our Opponents 'Evil'
Evil is real. But it's not helpful to invoke it too often, says Andy Walton.
Human Rights Groups Condemn Persecution Of Iranian Christians
19 different human rights and religious organisations have condemned the treatment of Christians by the regime in Iran.
2016 Has Been A Difficult Year â Here's How Advent Tells Us That All Will Be Well
Advent offers us the opportunity to look at the world afresh and gives us ultimate hope â not just the hope of turning over a new leaf, but the hope that in the midst of the suffering, despair and disaster, God is coming...
Despairing At The State Of The World? The Local Church Is The Answer
Local churches have been at the heart of building the common good for centuries, says Andy Walton.