Alannah Francis

  • Meagan Good defends her style choices; suggests concepts of modesty are relative

    Meagan Good defends her style choices; suggests concepts of modesty are relative

    The topic is making headlines almost a month on from the event as Good has discussed it in a new interview with Essence magazine. In her defence, Good said...

  • PETA calls for Christians to vegan in time for Easter; would you take up the challenge?

    PETA calls for Christians to vegan in time for Easter; would you take up the challenge?

    One of the world's most renowned animal rights activist groups has launched a last stitched attempt to get Christians around the globe to go vegan in the lead up to Easter.

  • A need-to-know guide to Palm Sunday

    A need-to-know guide to Palm Sunday

    Palm Sunday will be here sooner than you know. Before you go searching the web for tutorials so that you can master the technique required to create the perfect palm cross (or something that, at the very least, vaguely resembles one) take a read of our handy guide to the feast day.

  • The green-eyed monster: what the Bible says about envy

    The green-eyed monster: what the Bible says about envy

    In celebrating St Patrick's Day, millions of people around the world turning green, well, figuratively speaking, but celebrations of Ireland's patron saint aside, a certain green eyed monster can creep up on us all year round. If you haven't guessed yet, I'm talking about envy.

  • Mercy: what it means and what the Bible says about it

    Mercy: what it means and what the Bible says about it

    Mercy is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as, "Compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm." In Christianity, it's a quality that we attribute to God based on his merciful acts and character as revealed throughout the Bible.

  • Hillsong is set to reach a wider audience than ever before

    Hillsong is set to reach a wider audience than ever before

    It's one of the most well-known and wide-reaching megachurches, and it has become a firm favourite of celebrities but Hillsong's next move is about to enable it to reach out to an even bigger audience.

  • Christian couples: 5 ways to communicate better

    Christian couples: 5 ways to communicate better

    Many of us are curious, desperate even, to know the secret to long-lasting love. What is it that helps couples remain happy and healthy together over time? We all have our ideas about why certain relationships work and why others don't and one ingredient that comes to mind when we think about the successful bond between two people is communication.

  • The importance of being honest with God

    The importance of being honest with God

    We've all heard the phrase "honesty is the best policy" but when we find ourselves in situations where we have to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, honesty can actually appear to be the worst possible policy.

  • How can we live in a way that shows Jesus is close?

    How can we live in a way that shows Jesus is close?

    As Christians, we hope that the way we live our lives will demonstrate to others that Christ lives in us. We follow Jesus' example of how to live and strive to imitate his conduct as we go about our daily lives. It's not always as easy as it seems and we can't do it without calling on Jesus to guide us and give us the strength to do so.

  • Teaching children about prayer: tips to encourage them to talk to God

    Teaching children about prayer: tips to encourage them to talk to God

    Prayer is something that even lifelong adult Christians struggle with or express dissatisfaction about so it can feel like an impossible task to equip children with the tools they need to develop a positive relationship with prayer.

  • How to put the saint back in your St Patrick\'s Day

    How to put the saint back in your St Patrick's Day

    What started out as a feast day commemorating the patron saint of Ireland, St Patrick, is now seen as an excuse by many to get drunk. You may find it hard to believe but St Patrick's Day (March 17) was once a day when people abstained from drinking alcohol because pubs were closed to observe the religious holiday.

  • 5 Bible verses that make change a lot less scary

    5 Bible verses that make change a lot less scary

    We hear all the time that change is good but that doesn't make it any easier when we're faced with it. Most of us are creatures of comfort and we find security in our routines and knowing what's coming next. The uncertainty of what lies ahead and a nostalgia for whatever or whoever we're leaving behind can all contribute to us feeling fearful about the prospect and process of change.