Alannah Francis
12 tips to help you build and maintain a supportive friendship group
Taylor Swift's girl squad has come under fire from critics who claim its promotion of "squad goals" encourages exclusivity and alienation.
8 Bible verses on what real humility looks like
In our 'selfie society', expressions of genuine humility can be far and few between.
How Christians can do more than hashtag 'prayers for Brussels'
Log on to social media after the news of a major terrorist attack or natural disaster has occurred and you''ll see thousands of people using #prayersfor (insert name of location affected by tragedy here).
What the Bible tells us about angels
Angels are a subject of fascination inside and outside Christianity. These heavenly beings have been portrayed in countless ways, with artists reimagining them in all manner of forms from innocent winged babies to ordinary looking adult humans with concealed wings.
8 Bible verses explaining the importance of confession and repentance
As we remember how Jesus died for our sins, it's natural for our thoughts to turn to our individual wrongdoings. Throughout Lent, Catholics are encouraged to take part in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and confess their sins and reconcile with God and the church. For Christians who don't take participate in this sacrament, repentance is still a necessary act, and not just during the Easter period.
Six Bible verses to inspire you if you are finding it hard forgive
Lent is arguably the time when we weigh up the significance of our sin and forgiveness more than any other. As we Good Friday draws ever-closer, thoughts about sin and the forgiveness of sins are both paramount in the minds of Christians around the world.
Should Christians wear a crucifix?
"The crucifix is not a decoration; it's not a work of art with many precious stones like you see. The crucifix is the mystery of the 'annihilation' of God out of love," Pope Francis told those gathered at Santa Marta for morning Mass yesterday.
Is it OK for Christians to be angry?
Can you remember that last time you were angry? Did your anger cause you to do something that you're not proud of? Or were you able to channel it into something positive?
How can we identify God's voice?
Forward planning is a process that our society has a slight obsession with. In job interviews, a popular question candidates are asked is, "Where do you see yourself in five years?". For those of us who are uncertain about our future, this can be a terrifying enquiry.
3 reasons Christians should let their art reflect their faith
The content of the Bible and our personal faith experiences provide us with an abundant source of inspiration, not just in the practical sense of how we live our lives but how we express ourselves creatively.
Four ways to reinvigorate your faith during Holy Week
It's the most significant week in the entire Christian calendar, and is noted for bringing lapsed Christians back into the Christian faith and reinvigorating the spiritual lives of those who attend church regularly.
Faith like Peter: do we deny Christ even as we claim to believe in Him?
At a time when Christians all over the world are openly and unapologetically making it clear that they accept Jesus as their saviour, we're also reminded of how one of Jesus' followers denied him just before his death.