Lion saves Christians as they are being attacked by militants, says pastor


In what appears to be a story of Biblical proportions, a pastor secretly ministering in the Middle East claims lions came to rescue him and his group from armed Islamic militants.

Pastor Paul Ciniraj, director of Bibles for Mideast, a Christian ministry that aims to distribute Bibles, preach the Gospel and invite people in the Middle East into God's Kingdom, was reportedly rescued from militants by a group of three lions, WND reported. Pastor Paul detailed his story in the ministry's website.

"My risen Lord Jesus Christ has saved my life once again," Pastor Paul wrote, "and I praise and thank God for His unspeakable grace!"

According to Pastor Paul, this story began a few weeks ago. About three weeks ago, he had just finished baptizing some people when a group of militants arrived and stoned them.

He was rushed to a hospital after sustaining serious injuries to his skull and was transferred to a specialist hospital. The Islamic militants who stoned him earlier, however, discovered where he was being treated forcing him to leave the hospital and go into hiding.

Pastor Paul was secretly transferred to a house belonging to a Muslim-turned-Christian, Pastor Ayyoob, who lives near a forest area. Pastor Paul stayed there with Pastor Ayyoob's wife, two kids, and 80-year-old mother. Fellow believers secretly visited Pastor Paul there, and they would have prayer services together.

About three weeks later, on Easter Sunday, Pastor Ayyoob was leading the group in a worship service when suddenly a group of militants brandishing weapons and steel bars arrived.

"We had no idea what to do," Pastor Paul said of the group's response.

At that time, Pastor Paul hadn't fully recovered yet, and a pregnant woman had come to join them for the service. Pastor Paul said the whole group lost all their hope, thinking it would be their last day.

However, he says that a lion appeared from the forest and attacked one of the militants. When the other militants tried to attack the beast, two other lions appeared. Terrified, the militants ran away. The lions, however, left Pastor Paul and the group of believers alone.

"Equally astonishing," Pastor Paul went on to explain, "records show no lions are supposed to live in that forest."