
Kentucky appeals court asked to uphold ruling favouring Christian t-shirt printer in row with gay group
The fight for freedoms of religion and speech is now at the Kentucky Court of Appeals, which will decide on whether a Christian t-shirt printer has the right to refuse to print messages of a gay organization that contradicted his religious beliefs.

4-year-old 'Jihadi Junior' shown blowing up 3 prisoners inside vehicle in ISIS video
A four year-old British boy believed to be aged four and dubbed "junior jihadi" was shown executing three prisoners in a recent propaganda film released by the Islamic State (ISIS).

Google joins battle against ISIS with launch of counter-terrorism information drive
Internet giant, Google, has joined the battle against the Islamic State (ISIS) by piloting a new strategy that may protect users against extremist groups or Islamist radicals.

Top U.S. intel official confirms ISIS use of chemical weapons in Syria and Iraq
The Director of National Intelligence has said that the terror group Islamic State (ISIS) has developed and utilised chemical weapons, specifically ''sulphur mustard'' during attacks in Iraq and Syria.

Trump calls Pope Francis a 'very political person who doesn't understand' America's immigration problem
U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump is not pleased with Pope Francis' plan to stand with migrants at the U.S.-Mexican border on Friday, saying the head of the Roman Catholic Church "doesn't understand" America's immigration problem.

Catholics and the Zika Virus: Why abortion and contraception are very different issues
Because of its stance on abortion and contraception, secular writers are portraying the Church as a callous institution uninterested in the welfare of thousands of mothers and their potentially disabled children. These attacks are missing the point.

Moving scenes as Marius Bodnariu sees sons for first time in three months
The father whose five children were removed from the family home by Norway's Barnevernet or child welfare services, has been able to see his sons for the first time in three months.

Abducted, raped, then forcibly married: Christian woman escapes ordeal
A Christian woman who was abducted, raped and forcibly married to a Muslim man in Pakistan has escaped.

Beheadings in Libya: One year on forgiveness trumps hatred
On 15 February 2015, a video was released depicting masked ISIS militants dressed in black marching 21 Coptic Christians in orange jump suits along a beach in Libya.

Swiss Catholics accuse Pope's representative of disloyalty
The Pope's representative in Switzerland, US Archbishop Thomas Gullickson, has been accused by 12 Catholic reform groups of publicly criticising him.

70,000 US teachers aren't telling their students the facts about climate change
Thousands of US middle and high school teachers are telling their student climate change has nothing to do with human activity.

Ted Cruz campaign defends endorsement by pastor who believes Jews brought Holocaust on themselves
Ted Cruz' campaign has been forced to defend an endorsement he received from a prominent pastor who has made highly controversial statements about Jews.

Archbishop of Canterbury: Church has key role in London's future
Justin Welby was speaking alongside politicians, planners, theologians and developers at Lambeth Palace. The group had been brought together for the launch of From Battersea to the Barrier. The initiative seeks to use the "Church's history, lived experience and rootedness in community to bear" on the future of London â and particularly the riverside area in the heart of the city.

UN call for Zika abortions is like King Herod's slaughter of the innocents, says Peru Cardinal
The Archbishop of Lima in Peru has compared the United Nations to King Herod because the organisation has encouraged Latin American governments to allow women affected by the Zika virus to have abortions.

Oldest Hebrew Bible in existence gets UNESCO recognition
The oldest copy of the Hebrew Bible in existence has been added to UNESCO's Memory of the World Register.

Canada's plans to scrap religious body expose 'radical secularism' agenda, say critics
Christians in Canada are protesting against the Liberal government's suggestion that it might scrap the Office of Religious Freedom, which promotes religious liberty as a foreign office priority.