
ISIS urge attacks over Ramadan
ISIS urge attacks over Ramadan

ISIS followers have been told to launch attacks on Western targets during the month of Ramadan, which begins in early June.

Pfizer bans sale of its drugs for use in lethal injection for capital punishment in U.S.
Pfizer bans sale of its drugs for use in lethal injection for capital punishment in U.S.

Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has banned the sale of its drugs to be used for executions via lethal injection in the U.S. saying it manufactures drugs to save lives.

Christian artists act pre-emptively to protect their religious beliefs by asking court to nix state\'s anti-discrimination law
Christian artists act pre-emptively to protect their religious beliefs by asking court to nix state's anti-discrimination law

Two Christian artists have filed a pre-enforcement lawsuit against Phoenix City in Arizona, asking the court to declare its anti-discrimination law as unconstitutional and violative of their religious beliefs on marriage.

\'Path to self-destruction\': Catholic bishop blasts bills on physician-assisted suicides in New York
'Path to self-destruction': Catholic bishop blasts bills on physician-assisted suicides in New York

A New York bishop has denounced bills in the state legislature that would legalize physician-assisted suicides, saying these could lead to a "path of self-destruction."

ISIS news: Terrorists reportedly dip captives in nitric acid as new form of execution
ISIS news: Terrorists reportedly dip captives in nitric acid as new form of execution

Ever inventive in its murderous ways, the Islamic State (ISIS) has found yet another method of executing its perceived foes.

How to tell whether a person is possessed by a demon or is just mentally ill? Veteran exorcist explains
How to tell whether a person is possessed by a demon or is just mentally ill? Veteran exorcist explains

How can you determine whether a person is possessed by an evil spirit or is simply suffering from a mentally illness?

Christians protest \'absurd\' ban on civic prayers and \'fraternal hugs\' imposed by judge in Colombia
Christians protest 'absurd' ban on civic prayers and 'fraternal hugs' imposed by judge in Colombia

Christians are up in arms in Colombia after a judge in the coastal city of Cartagena inexplicably banned prayer and "fraternal hugs" during city council sessions as well as in schools, businesses and even in private family life, CNA reports.

U.S. elections 2016: Donald Trump on charm offensive with Latino Christian leaders
U.S. elections 2016: Donald Trump on charm offensive with Latino Christian leaders

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump presented an amiable image of himself to Latino Christian leaders on Friday, promising them that they are "going to like President Trump" after the election in November.

Saudi government behind 9/11 attacks and continues to fund terrorists, former U.S. lawmaker says
Saudi government behind 9/11 attacks and continues to fund terrorists, former U.S. lawmaker says

Former Florida Senator Bob Graham however believes that the key to unlocking who really engineered the 9/11 attacks lies in documents that have been kept secret by the American government: the redacte: minutes of the congressional joint inquiry on intelligence from before and after the incident.

Dozens injured in Baghdad\'s Green Zone protests
Dozens injured in Baghdad's Green Zone protests

Calm has been restored after a protest in Baghdad's heavily armed fortified Green Zone turned violent.

EgyptAir: Human remains found among wreckage in the Med
EgyptAir: Human remains found among wreckage in the Med

Human remains and personal belongings have been found among wreckage in the Mediterranean in the first confirmation that an EgyptAir jet with 66 people on board had plunged into the sea.

Woman gives birth at 72 years old after IVF treatment, says her first baby is God\'s will
Woman gives birth at 72 years old after IVF treatment, says her first baby is God's will

An Indian mother who has given birth to her first baby at the age of 72 said it is God's will for her to conceive a child at a later age.

Parishioners ending 12-year vigil at closed Massachusetts church after Supreme Court refuses to hear case
Parishioners ending 12-year vigil at closed Massachusetts church after Supreme Court refuses to hear case

Former parishioners of a closed church in Scituate, Massachusets have decided to end their 12-year vigil after the U.S. Supreme Court denied their request to hear the case on May 16.

Gay couple claim discrimination after Catholic archdiocese rejects headstone design for their cemetery plot
Gay couple claim discrimination after Catholic archdiocese rejects headstone design for their cemetery plot

Two plaintiffs in the U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized gay marriage in the U.S. last year are accusing the Archdiocese of Louisville in Kentucky of discrimination after it rejected a headstone design they submitted.

Security guard arrested, charged with assault for pushing transgender out of restroom in D.C.
Security guard arrested, charged with assault for pushing transgender out of restroom in D.C.

A security guard at a grocery store in Washington, D.C. is facing charges of simple assault for pushing a transgender woman out of a restroom Wednesday.

Oklahoma governor vetoes bill that would make performing an abortion a felony, says it won\'t withstand legal challenge
Oklahoma governor vetoes bill that would make performing an abortion a felony, says it won't withstand legal challenge

Lawmakers in Oklahoma have passed a bill Thursday that bans abortion in the state by penalizing anyone who performs the procedure.