
Syria: At least 8 dead in Damascus twin bombings
At least eight people were killed and scores wounded in twin suicide and car bomb blasts on Saturday in a Damascus suburb that contains Syria's holiest Shi'ite Muslim shrine, state television said.

Mother straps her daughter to a cot and burns her alive in 'honour killing' act after girl eloped
A Muslim teen who eloped with a man in defiance of her family's wishes knew what was coming to her if she returned home to her family in Pakistan.

Muslims raise funds and help rebuild Christian church in Pakistan
In a nation where interfaith conflict is too regular an occurrence, Muslims and Christians have joined together to rebuild a church.

Christian singer Trey Pearson says many in the industry support him after coming out as gay
Trey Pearson says he's had lots of support from within the Christian music scene, he also talks about the end of his marriage...

Clinton gets Obama endorsement as Democrats seek to unify party
Obama called for Democrats to unite behind Clinton after a protracted battle with Bernie Sanders for the party nomination.

Mexico's ruling party suffers 'severe setback' in polls after president bared support for gay marriage
Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto has suffered a "severe setback'' in the local elections this week after he announced plans to recognise gay marriage and homosexual adoption throughout the country, news reports say.

'Miracle treatment': Stroke patients able to regain mobility in less than a month after stem cell injections
Using donated adult stem cells, researchers from the Stanford University's School of Medicine were able to successfully treat patients whose legs and arms were earlier rendered immobile after suffering stroke.

India's religious freedom row
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has insisted that religious freedom is enshrined in India's constitution, but the reality for religious minorities in the country does not match up.

Why the US doesn't want to see Boko Haram as part of Islamic State
The US view of Boko Haram as a locally-focused, homegrown insurgency is likely to keep the group more to the margins of the US fight against Islamic State in Africa.

ISIS news: Over 8,000 people worldwide identified in 'kill list' released by hackers' group with terrorist links
A group of hackers who claims to be working for the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist organisation has released its latest "kill" list comprising of 8,318 people worldwide together with their names, residential addresses and even email addresses.

Pope Francis explains importance of wine in Catholic rituals, citing Jesus' first miracle of turning water to wine in Cana wedding
A wedding without wine is shameful! Thus said Pope Francis as he explained how wine is central to marking the joy of a new marriage in the Roman Catholic Church.

Ramadan dispute leads to fire causing £8m damage in German refugee camp
A dispute over Ramadan meals led to the destruction of a shelter in a German refugee camp, causing £8m worth of damage, according to German investigators.

Hillary Clinton finds herself in conflict with her Church on abortion and gay rights
Although looking jubilant after clinching the Democratic Party's presidential nomination on Tuesday, Hillary Clinton may have something to worry about in her quest for the White House concerning her religious affiliation.

Donald Trump turns repentant, says he will ask God for forgiveness as he explains how he views Jesus Christ
"I will be asking for forgiveness [from God]." Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump made this remark in a recent interview with noted columnist and author Cal Thomas, thus effectively retracting an earlier statement he made that he had never felt the need for repentance and to ask for God's forgiveness.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu nominates Palestinian leader for Nobel Prize
Marwan Barghouti has been behind bars since 2002. He was found guilty by Israel of murder in 2004.

ISIS' relentless destruction of ancient heritage sites, and what it means for Iraq's religious communities
News broke on Wednesday that ISIS militants in Iraq have destroyed another ancient temple; that of Nabu in the Assyrian city of Nimrud.