
Archbishop from Africa appeals for help for thousands of displaced people in South Sudan
The armed conflict that has been the result of political tension in South Sudan has displaced thousands of residents, and a Roman Catholic official is desperately calling for aid to help his people stay alive.
Catholic group: 'Build bridges' between UK, Europe despite Brexit
At a time when the preference for separation seems to be strong not only in the United Kingdom but also in the entire European continent, the Roman Catholic aid agency Caritas Europa has called on all sectors of society to unite and act together to make sure that the poor will not bear the brunt of "Brexit."

Italian court orders nuns to pay thousands of euros after no longer hiring employee presumed to be a lesbian
A judge has ordered nuns from the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus from the northern Italian town of Trento to pay 25,000 euros to a former teacher who was no longer hired for her apparent homosexuality.

US archbishops support bill protecting religious freedom of those who disagree with same-sex unions
Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone of San Francisco and Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore came out with a joint statement last week supporting the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA).

Venezuela: Archbishop decries government block on church aid for suffering Venezuelans
Thousands of people in Venezuela are experiencing severe hunger due to the economic meltdown that hit the South American country, yet their own leaders will not allow Roman Catholic organisations to send help.

Fall in Americans who feel churches make a difference to social problems
Four in ten Americans no longer believe that churches and other houses of worship make a difference when it comes to tackling social concerns, according to Pew Research Center findings

Christian Senator James Lankford shares how call of God made him enter politics
In an interview with CBN News, Senator Lankford shared how God's voice prompted him to enter politics.

Kenya: Four police officers charged with murder of Christian lawyer
Willie Kimani, Josephat Mwenda and their driver Joseph Muiruri disappeared last month in Nairobi after Kimani filed a case on behalf of Mwenda against a police officer who allegedly shot him

Catholic priest finds empty warehouses and donations drying up at Calais camp
A Catholic priest has reported finding one of two warehouses belonging to the charity Care 4 Calais empty and the other barely two thirds full after visiting the migrant encampment known as "the jungle"

Rowan Williams warns of growing violence in South Sudan
Dr Williams said he was praying for peace in the country, where 300 lives have been lost and thousands displaced from their homes in the capital, Juba.

Nigeria: 200 Muslims storm and destroy Catholic church
A group of several hundred Muslim youths have stormed and destroyed a Catholic church in Nigeria, days after a female pastor was hacked to death and a week after the similarly brutal killing of another, male evangelical pastor

Johnson amendment: Trump's 'greatest contribution to Christianity'?
Donald Trump has said that if elected president he will abolish the "Johnson amendment" which prevents churches and other religious bodies from campaigning politically

Egypt: 15 arrested over arson attack on Christian homes
The incident is the latest in a string of attacks against Christians, especially in the Minya region, home to a relatively high proportion of Coptic Christians

Baton Rouge: Calls for week of prayer and fasting after more fatal shootings
The attack came nearly two weeks after the fatal police shooting of a black man in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, sparked nationwide protests.

Former monk, 90, building cathedral in Spain by hand since 1963 with little help and no prior experience
"I do it for faith." Those five words sum up the motivation of this 90-year-old man who for more than half a century has been building a huge cathedral on the outskirts of Madrid, Spain mostly by his own hands.

'Trust God no matter what': Pastor and wife previously deemed barren now proud parents of triplet boys, plus 2 other kids
This supposedly barren Christian couple has just been blessed by God with not just one, not just two, but three healthy babies on the same day!