
Church still central to teen volunteering efforts, with majority of young kids joining ministry work
Teenagers nowadays are often thought to just be concerned with less important things like social media, and tend to shy away from more significant activities that can contribute to society. A new study conducted by an evangelical Christian polling firm, the Barna Group, however, sought to correct this misconception.

ISIS on a mission to wipe out Christians, says former Muslim extremist
Despite all the reported gains being made by the U.S.-led coalition in the war against the Islamic State (ISIS), a former Islamic extremist who is now working in counter-terrorism says the West is actually losing the war.

Church of French priest murdered by Islamists to reopen next month
The church where the French priest Father Jacques Hamel was murdered by Islamist terrorists in July is to re-open next month, it has been announced.
Christians in Egypt reaching 'breaking point' after experiencing so much persecution
In the city of Minya on the banks of the Nile River in Egypt, some 40 percent of the population are followers of Christianity. Making up almost half of the population in the city, however, did not stop the persecution of Christians in this city.

Christian executed in Iran spoke of meeting Jesus before his death
The moving last words of a man executed in prison in Iran a few days ago were of his profound faith in Jesus Christ.
Four Coptic Christian teens released after being sentenced for 'contempt of Islam' seek asylum
Four Coptic Christian teenagers who were released after being sentenced to five years in prison for contempt of Islam have fled to Switzerland to seek asylum.

Christian students win dozens of converts to Christ on summer missions
Dozens of people around the world have given their lives to Jesus Christ as a result of summer missions by Christian students at one of the world's top Baptist seminaries.

Catholic hospital refuses hysterectomy for transgender due to religious beliefs
A Catholic hospital in California has refused to perform hysterectomy on a transgender man, saying such an operation would violate its religious beliefs.

Algerian Christian sentenced to 3 years in jail for 'insulting Islam'
Slimane Bouhafs, 49, was sentenced on Tuesday by an appeals court in the Muslim majority country, after being arrested on July 31.

U.S. Catholic university hires Hindu priest as chaplain
Jesuit-run Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. became the first university in the U.S. to hire a Hindu priest as chaplain.

What next for Zimbabwe? Senior priest warns of 'leadership vacuum' as Mugabe fails
One of Zimbabwe's senior Catholic clerics has said his country faces a "leadership vacuum" as President Robert Mugabe becomes increasingly incapable because of age and ill health.

Russia: Pokémon Go blogger arrested for playing in a cathedral now facing nine years in jail
The controversial atheist blogger who is in custody in Russia after he filmed himself playing Pokémon Go in a landmark Russian Orthodox Cathedral could face a further four years in jail, it has been revealed.

Aleppo: Suspected chlorine gas attack chokes dozens
The Syrian Civil Defence, a rescue workers' organisation that operates in rebel-held areas, said government helicopters had dropped barrel bombs containing chlorine

Faith and the Future of Labour: Leadership candidates Corbyn and Smith at faith hustings
Debate between Labour Leadership candidates takes place at Oasis church with Christians, Jews, Muslims and Sikhs in the audience.

Baptism on board as refugee mother gives birth on naval ship
A newborn baby has been baptised on a military naval ship after its mother gave birth on board.

Christian pastors facing death sentence in Sudan allowed family visits
Prosecutors of Pastors Hassan Abduraheem, Kuwa Shamal and Darfuri student Abdulmonem Abdumawla have been demanding the harshest possible penalties which could mean capital punishment on some of the charges against them.