
US Aid Worker Kidnapped In Niger
US Aid Worker Kidnapped In Niger

According to French news outlet Radio France Internationale, the victim worked for Christian missionary organisation Youth With A Mission (YWAM).

Fear Of Rise In Child Sex Abuse After Hurricane Matthew In Haiti
Fear Of Rise In Child Sex Abuse After Hurricane Matthew In Haiti

Christian charity World Vision is scaling up its plans to set up protection centres for children who have suffered as a result of the devastating storm.

Church Bells In Europe Ring Death Toll For Aleppo Victims
Church Bells In Europe Ring Death Toll For Aleppo Victims

Church bells are tolling across parts of Europe in tribute to the thousands of innocent victims being slaughtered in the ceaseless bombing of Aleppo in Syria.

Controversial Anti-Islam Politician To Go On Trial For Allegedly Inciting Racial Hatred
Controversial Anti-Islam Politician To Go On Trial For Allegedly Inciting Racial Hatred

Dutch politician Geert Wilders can face trial on charges of inciting racial hatred, a court in The Hague ruled today.

3 Places That Need Your Prayers This Weekend
3 Places That Need Your Prayers This Weekend

Many of us want to pray for people affected by war and conflict, but don't know where to begin.

Iranian Court Set to Hear Appeal of Christian Converts Sentenced to 80 Lashes Each for Drinking Communion Wine
Iranian Court Set to Hear Appeal of Christian Converts Sentenced to 80 Lashes Each for Drinking Communion Wine

Eighty lashes for drinking Communion wine—that's the penalty that awaits each of the three Christian converts in Iran after they were charged earlier this month with that offence.

\'Hero Killed For The Name Of Jesus\'. An Iraqi Christian Monk Describes Life Under Islamic State
'Hero Killed For The Name Of Jesus'. An Iraqi Christian Monk Describes Life Under Islamic State

The honey-stoned monastery has been a fixture of the Middle Eastern landscape since the fourth century, a symbol in the land of its birth of Christianity, the faith that shaped the West. But now, its senior priest is urging all Christians to flee Iraq, because he warns they have no future there any more.

Switzerland Forcing Christian Nursing Home to Allow Killing of Patients Who Want to Die
Switzerland Forcing Christian Nursing Home to Allow Killing of Patients Who Want to Die

Take it or leave it. Switzerland is asking a Christian organisation to choose between two options — comply with the law on assisted suicide or stay out of state control, which would mean no more subsidies.

ISIS Turning Criminals into \'Super-Gang\' of Terrorists: \'They Are the Perfect Fit\'
ISIS Turning Criminals into 'Super-Gang' of Terrorists: 'They Are the Perfect Fit'

A "super gang" of hardened remorseless criminals — that's what the Islamic State (ISIS) is creating to further its campaign of terror worldwide.

King Of Bahrain Donates Land For New Church
King Of Bahrain Donates Land For New Church

The King of Bahrain, Hamad bin Isa al Khalifa, has donated a portion of Bahrain's land for the construction of the Kingdom's second Coptic church.

Aleppo Has Become A \'Living Hell\' Warns Christian Leader In Syria
Aleppo Has Become A 'Living Hell' Warns Christian Leader In Syria

Aleppo has become a "living hell" according to one of the most senior Christian leaders still in the besieged city in Syria.

Poll Finds: Overwhelming Majority Of Muslims Expected To Vote Clinton
Poll Finds: Overwhelming Majority Of Muslims Expected To Vote Clinton

More than 70 per cent of registered Muslims voters intend to vote for Hillary Clinton in the upcoming US presidential election, a new survey has found.

UN Criticised For Downplaying Jewish Links To Jerusalem\'s Temple Mount
UN Criticised For Downplaying Jewish Links To Jerusalem's Temple Mount

A United Nations agency has prompted an angry response after a statement over one of the world's most controversial site. UNESCO – the organization which deals with culture and heritage – has issued a resolution which emphasizes the Muslim character of the site.

Evangelist With No Arms or Legs Nick Vujicic Draws Thousands to Christ in Secular Europe
Evangelist With No Arms or Legs Nick Vujicic Draws Thousands to Christ in Secular Europe

This evangelist has no arms or legs but he's got millions of inspired fans worldwide.

Barack Obama Pokes Fun At Christians Supporting Donald Trump: \'We Saw This Coming\'
Barack Obama Pokes Fun At Christians Supporting Donald Trump: 'We Saw This Coming'

United States President Barack Obama, who is supporting Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton as his successor, believes Christians who have endorsed Republican nominee Donald Trump should have seen it coming that the business magnate would eventually let them down.

Hundreds Of Christian Students At Liberty University Say \'No\' To Donald Trump
Hundreds Of Christian Students At Liberty University Say 'No' To Donald Trump

Hundreds of students at the top US evangelical Christian university, Liberty, have come out against Donald Trump.