
Franklin Graham Slams Time Magazine For Comparison Of Hillary Clinton To Moses
Franklin Graham Slams Time Magazine For Comparison Of Hillary Clinton To Moses

Christian evangelist Franklin Graham has condemned Time magazine for comparing Hillary Clinton to Moses.

Donald Trump Chooses Climate Sceptic and Committed Christian Scott Pruitt For Top Environment Job
Donald Trump Chooses Climate Sceptic and Committed Christian Scott Pruitt For Top Environment Job

Southern Baptist leaders have welcomed the choice by President-elect Donald Trump of leading Baptist layman Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency.

Christian Politician Faces Controversial Blasphemy Trial In Indonesia
Christian Politician Faces Controversial Blasphemy Trial In Indonesia

A Christian politician is to be tried for alleged blasphemy next week in a case that illustrates the growing tensions between Islam and other faiths in Indonesia.

British Government Has Failed The Christians Of Syria And Iraq, Senior Clergy Say
British Government Has Failed The Christians Of Syria And Iraq, Senior Clergy Say

Senior Anglican clergy have accused the British government of failing to take seriously the urgent plight of Christians facing persecution and death in Syria and Iraq.

Christian Charity Compassion International Could Be Forced Out Of India
Christian Charity Compassion International Could Be Forced Out Of India

A deep suspicion of the activity of foreign Christian organisations has led to a crisis for one of the largest and longest-established working in India today.

Orthodox Christians In Russian Town Protest Against New Condom Factory
Orthodox Christians In Russian Town Protest Against New Condom Factory

Christian protestors have demanded a town in Russia cease production of condoms in a new factory because they believe the items damage their community's good name

Musician Convicted Of Child Abuse Beaten To Death In Church
Musician Convicted Of Child Abuse Beaten To Death In Church

A convicted child abuser has been beaten to death while playing in a church music group in Argentina.

Two Critical After Pastor Gave Congregation \'Liquid Substance\' To Drink
Two Critical After Pastor Gave Congregation 'Liquid Substance' To Drink

More than 20 churchgoers have been treated by paramedics after they were given a mystery "liquid substance" at a church service.

Victory In Sight For Syrian Army In Aleppo
Victory In Sight For Syrian Army In Aleppo

The Syrian army's advance in Aleppo slowed on Thursday but a victory was still firmly in sight after President Bashar al-Assad vowed that retaking the city would change the course of the six-year-old war.

Christian Teacher Beaten Up By Muslim Villagers in Uganda for Converting From Islam
Christian Teacher Beaten Up By Muslim Villagers in Uganda for Converting From Islam

A Christian teacher from Uganda was threatened with death and beaten until he lost consciousness by Muslim residents from his village who were angry about how he turned his back on Islam to embrace Christianity.

\'Prophet of Doom\' Who Sprays People\'s Faces With Toxic Insecticide Ordered to Stop Doing It By Authorities
'Prophet of Doom' Who Sprays People's Faces With Toxic Insecticide Ordered to Stop Doing It By Authorities

"Stop it!" That was the order issued by authorities in South Africa addressed to a controversial pastor nicknamed "Prophet of Doom" who has been spraying insecticide with the brand name "Doom" on his congregants.

Stripped, Beaten and Killed: The Christian Mother Who Fell Victim To Mob Violence In India
Stripped, Beaten and Killed: The Christian Mother Who Fell Victim To Mob Violence In India

A Christian mother in India has been stripped, beaten and killed, in a mob attack which is feared to have been motivated by religion.

Hurricane Matthew Three Months On: Deadly Disease Threatens Thousands Of Lives In Haiti
Hurricane Matthew Three Months On: Deadly Disease Threatens Thousands Of Lives In Haiti

Three months after Hurricane Matthew devastated Haiti, the Caribbean island is slowly making a recovery.

More People Turning to Christ in Nepal, Which Now Hosts Over 1 Million Believers and 8,000 Churches
More People Turning to Christ in Nepal, Which Now Hosts Over 1 Million Believers and 8,000 Churches

More and more people in Nepal are turning to Christianity ever since the predominantly Hindu nation in South Asia went secular in 2008.

Christians From Egypt Seek Refuge in Cyprus After Experiencing Brutal Persecution

Three Christians from Egypt are currently seeking refuge in Cyprus after they fled their Muslim-dominated nation because of the brutal persecution they had experienced because of their faith.