
Van Packed With Gas Bottles Explodes At Australian Christian Lobby Group HQ
Van Packed With Gas Bottles Explodes At Australian Christian Lobby Group HQ

A van has exploded into a Christian lobby group's office in Canberra, Australia, on Wednesday evening.

\'We Will Win The Ultimate War\': Hundreds Seek Compensation From Catholic Church For Alleged Children\'s Home Abuse
'We Will Win The Ultimate War': Hundreds Seek Compensation From Catholic Church For Alleged Children's Home Abuse

A lawyer representing 249 men who are seeking compensation for alleged sexual abuse at a Catholic children's home has vowed to continue with a multi-million pound compensation claim despite a judge dismissing three out of the four first test cases.

Ailing Vietnamese Pastor Kept In Isolation, Fed Food With Glass And Lead
Ailing Vietnamese Pastor Kept In Isolation, Fed Food With Glass And Lead

A Vietnamese Lutheran pastor currently serving an 11-year prison sentence after fighting for religious freedom was recently kept in isolation and prevented from contacting his family.

Hope Is Too Painful: The Untold Story Of Thousands Of Refugees Trapped In Thailand
Hope Is Too Painful: The Untold Story Of Thousands Of Refugees Trapped In Thailand

For hundreds of thousands of refugees on the Thai-Myanmar border, they are trapped with little hope for the future.

Leading Evangelicals Plead With Donald Trump To Withdraw Scott Pruitt From Environment Protection Agency
Leading Evangelicals Plead With Donald Trump To Withdraw Scott Pruitt From Environment Protection Agency

A group of evangelical church and lay leaders in the US has called on Donald Trump to reconsider his choice of climate change skeptic Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency.

Christian Lawyer In China May Have Been Tortured In Prison
Christian Lawyer In China May Have Been Tortured In Prison

Jiang Tianyong, 45, went missing on November 21 after visiting the wife of an imprisoned lawyer, persecution charity Release International reports.

Egyptian Christians Forgive Attacker Who Killed 25 In Cairo Bombing

Coptic Christians who survived the deadly church bombing in Cairo on December 11 have said they forgive their attacker, and are ready to be killed for their faith.

Prostitutes Are Victims Not Criminals Say Canadian Evangelicals
Prostitutes Are Victims Not Criminals Say Canadian Evangelicals

Evangelicals in Canada have called for prostitutes to have criminal charges related to their work expunged from their records.

Santa Is \'Pitiful\' And \'Irrelevant\' Says Leading Evangelical John Piper
Santa Is 'Pitiful' And 'Irrelevant' Says Leading Evangelical John Piper

The conservative evangelical author John Piper has dismissed Santa Claus as "pitiful" and "irrelevant" and urged Christian parents not to teach their children that he exists and gives them presents, saying that instead everything at Christmas should "point to Jesus".

Berlin Massacre: Asylum-Seeker Released After Police Say They Had The Wrong Man
Berlin Massacre: Asylum-Seeker Released After Police Say They Had The Wrong Man

German authorities on Tuesday released a Pakistani asylum-seeker suspected of driving a truck into a Berlin Christmas market and killing 12 people due to a lack of evidence.

School in Italy Bans \'Jesus\' From Well-Loved Christmas Songs Out Of \'Respect\' For Those Observing Other Religions
School in Italy Bans 'Jesus' From Well-Loved Christmas Songs Out Of 'Respect' For Those Observing Other Religions

What is Christmas without Jesus Christ? This is exactly what parents are saying after head teacher Paola Bellini taught his students to remove "Jesus Christ" from well-loved Christmas songs.

Witch Finally Turns to Christ After a Year of Hearing Gospel From Southern Baptist Missionaries
Witch Finally Turns to Christ After a Year of Hearing Gospel From Southern Baptist Missionaries

The persuasive power of the Gospel finally convinced a witch to abandon her animist ways and turn to Christ—even though it took a year for her to do that.

Appeal to Christians to Help Sudanese Pastors on Trial for Their Faith: \'Our Silence Could Be Their Death\'
Appeal to Christians to Help Sudanese Pastors on Trial for Their Faith: 'Our Silence Could Be Their Death'

The lives of these two pastors could be in your hands, and time is running out. This was the message conveyed to Christians worldwide who are being asked to speak up for two imprisoned Sudanese pastors who face the death penalty for practicing their faith.

Rodrigo Duterte Says He Has 'Paid' for His 'Debts to God' But Admits He May Go to Hell

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has admitted that he has personally killed crime suspects but that he has already "paid" for his "debts to God" and that he is ready "to go to hell" or "rot in jail" for what he did.

Church Expands Influence in Russia to Putin\'s Delight as He Uses Faith to Boost His Power
Church Expands Influence in Russia to Putin's Delight as He Uses Faith to Boost His Power

Once an officially godless state, Russia is now seeing the Orthodox Church—one of three main Christian groups—expanding its influence, with the blessing of no less than President Vladimir Putin.

Pastor, 3 Women Among Christmas Carollers Viciously Beaten By Hindu Radicals in India
Pastor, 3 Women Among Christmas Carollers Viciously Beaten By Hindu Radicals in India

A group of Christmas carollers, including a pastor and three women, were viciously beaten last week by suspected Hindu radicals—just one of the mounting cases of violence against Christians in India.