German finance minister warns: No free lunch for Britain in Brexit negotiations
Britain must understand that it won't have advantages over its 27 peers in the European Union once negotiations over its exit from the bloc are concluded.

Pentagon admits friendly fire may have killed US troops in Afghanistan
Two US special operations forces soldiers killed in eastern Afghanistan on Wednesday may have been struck by friendly fire.

Executed man was 'coughing and convulsing', lawyer calls for probe
Arkansas, which had not held an execution in 12 years, concluded its executions series by putting to death Kenneth Williams on Thursday night.
North Korea test-fires ballistic missile in defiance of world pressure
North Korea test-fired a ballistic missile on Saturday shortly after US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warned that failure to curb its nuclear and ballistic missile programmes could lead to 'catastrophic consequences'.

Pope Francis in Egypt: 'Let us say "No" to violence in God's name'
Francis's trip, aimed at improving Christian-Muslim ties, comes just three weeks after Islamic State suicide bombers killed at least 45 people in two Egyptian churches.

Pastor arrested over 'extremist' Josh McDowell book 'More Than A Carpenter'
A pastor in Tajikistan has been arrested on charges of 'extremism' for having a book by a well-known US Christian author.

Islam 'does not equal terrorism' says Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew at Egypt peace summit
The Patriarch was speaking at the Al-Azhar International Peace Conference in Cairo, the same conference that will be addressed by Pope Francis on his two-day visit to Egypt.

President Trump's first 100 days: What has he achieved so far?
Donald Trump is approaching the 100 day marker which has been used to judge presidents' effectiveness for generations.

Pope Francis begins peace mission to Egypt with killing of Christians top of the agenda
Pope Francis arrived in Cairo on Friday hoping to mend ties with Muslim leaders just as Egypt's ancient Christian community faces unprecedented pressure from Islamic State militants who have threatened to wipe it out.

What is the Coptic Orthodox Church? 6 things you should know
Egypt's Coptic Orthodox Church has made frequent appearance in the news of late, but who are Coptic Christians?

Russian who caught Pokemon in church faces long jail term
A Russian state prosecutor asked a court to jail a blogger who played Pokemon Go inside a church for three-and-a-half years on Friday, saying he was guilty of inciting religious hatred.

Franklin Graham on Christian persecution: 'If we don't wake up, it will be too late'
Hundreds of Christians and victims of persecution from around the world will meet next month in Washington for a World Summit in defence of persecuted Christians being organised by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

Can Pope Francis do anything to help Egypt's Christians?
At the World Conference on Peace he is attending at al-Azhar univerisity in Cairo, the Pope will be among friends. And as someone who has shown himself unafraid to speak out on difficult issues close to his heart, he will certainly raise the issue of escalating religious persecution of Christians.
Trump says 'major, major' conflict with North Korea possible, but seeks diplomatic solution
US President Donald Trump said on Thursday a major conflict with North Korea is possible in the standoff over its nuclear and missile programmes, but he would prefer a diplomatic outcome to the dispute.

It's official: Christians don't respond to persecution with violence
Christians around the world respond to persecution with largely non-violent 'survival strategies' that require a lot of 'creativity, determination and courage,' according to a new report.

The 'world's worst humanitarian crisis' is not Syria or Iraq. Why do we barely hear about it?
Despite the vast numbers of people teetering on the brink of starvation, Yemen has barely made an impression on electoral politics in the UK or US. British Aid agencies are fighting to get attention for the crisis, though. Christian NGO Tearfund has described Yemen as the 'world's worst humanitarian crisis'.