Anti-conversion law in another Indian state could be used against churches, campaigners say
A seventh Indian state has enacted a law aimed at restricting people's freedom to convert from one religion to another.
Otto Warmbier's mother Cindy speaks out on North Korea: 'You can't negotiate, you just have to shame them'
The parents of Otto Warmbier, the student who died following his imprisonment in North Korea, have spoken out against negotiations with the regime of Kim Jong Un.
UN guilty of 'overall failure to protect religious freedom', claims report
The United Nations is failing to protect religious freedom and guard against the rise in anti-conversion laws, a damning report launched next week claims.
CAR in national mourning as Christian-Muslim violence sees 24 killed, 170 injured
Three days of national mourning have been announced by the president of the Central African Republic (CAR) after an attack on a church in Bangui that killed 16 Christian worshippers, and subsequent violence that has seen eight more killed and 170 injured. The Archbishop of Bangui condemned and lamented the ongoing sectarian violence in the country.
Japan's 'hidden Christian' persecution sites recommended for World Heritage status
Twelve sites connected to the persecution of Japanese 'hidden Christians' in the Edo period (1603-1867) have been recommended for World Heritage status by THE United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).
Paul Ryan backs down in spat with Catholic House chaplain Patrick Conroy
US House speaker Paul Ryan has found himself in a battle with the House chaplain, Patrick Conroy, after it emerged Ryan forced him to resign.
Christian academy shut down after controversy over bible references in student handbook
A school board in Alberta, Canada has voted to close a Christian academy last week, following controversy over censorship of certain biblical references in the student handbook.
Ruins of ancient 1st century Christian site found in former ISIS-held region in Syria
The ruins of a Christian church that is believed to be built as far back as the first century A.D. was found at a site in northern Syria where the Islamic State dumped their trash.
Ethiopian court considers appeal of evangelical Christian convicted of offending members of Orthodox church
An Ethiopian court has announced that it will hear the appeal of an evangelical Christian who was convicted of "causing outrage to religious peace and feeling," after a lower court turned down his plea in March.
Former bishop of Exeter in controversial Syria visit questions evidence for Assad chemical attack
A former bishop who held high-level talks with the Syrian regime hours after last month's western air-strikes has said he was 'appalled' by the intervention and questioned whether president Bashar al-Assad was behind the chemical attack on Douma.
US officials return thousands of ancient artefacts seized from Hobby Lobby back to Iraq
US officials have returned more than 3,800 artefacts illegally obtained from suppliers in Iraq and sold to Hobby Lobby, the giant craft store chain owned by evangelical Christians.
Beheaded body of Christian pastor found in India
The beheaded body of an abducted pastor was found by a reservoir in eastern India yesterday morning.
Three US Christians held in North Korea could be released
Three American Christians detained in North Korea could be released having reportedly been moved from a labour camp to a hotel on the outskirts of the capital city Pyongyang, according to CBN News.
Bavaria's mandate to display crosses in public buildings draws opposition from Protestants and Catholic bishops
The Bavarian government's mandate to require public buildings to display crosses at their entrances has been criticized by some Catholic bishops and Protestants.
Indian state passes anti-conversion legislation Christians fear will be used against them
India's Uttarakhand state has become the latest state in the country to enact legislation tightening restrictions around religious conversions.