Protests in Norway against changes to abortion law
Thousands of protesters demonstrated in Norwegian cities on Saturday against restricting women's access to abortion, the subject of talks between the ruling minority coalition and a small party seeking to join the government.
Christians in Pakistan living in fear after Asia Bibi's acquittal
Christians have been dragged out of their cars and beaten, and said they are "haunted" with fear of Islamic radicals as the blasphemy case of Christian mother Asia Bibi tears Pakistan apart.
Pastor under fire for asking man dressed as woman to leave his church
Pastor Antonio Rocquemore of Power House International Ministries in Chicago, Illinois, is coming under fire from advocates of the LGBTQ community for publicly rebuking a male member who came to his church dressed as a woman Sunday night.
At least 56 killed, 130 missing in California's deadliest wildfire
The latest fatality count was announced as authorities released a revised list of 130 people reported missing by loved ones
Paradise church survives the flames after most of the town burns down
A church in Paradise, northern California, is still standing after most of the town was devastated by the horrific Camp Fire.
Christians are being 'driven from north Nigeria' by Islamist militants
The UK church has been urged to pray for persecuted Christians in Nigeria on Sunday's International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.
Cameroon kidnappers free last hostages taken from Christian school
Kidnappers freed on Monday the last of about 80 schoolboys taken hostage last week in a raid on a school in west Cameroon.
Pence condemns violence against Rohingya in open remarks to Aung San Suu Kyi
'The violence and persecution by military and vigilantes that resulted in driving 700,000 Rohingya to Bangladesh is without excuse.'
US Episcopal bishop goes against the grain to ban gay marriage ceremonies in New York state
A bishop of The Episcopal Church whose diocese is based in the capital of New York has announced that his churches will not perform same-sex marriage ceremonies.
Japanese man 'marries' hologram virtual home assistant
A 35-year-old man in Japan has reportedly 'married' a hologram of his virtual home assistant.
Tearfund Big Quiz Night aims to put fun into fundraising
The nationwide event is aimed at supporting some of the poorest communities in the world.
Jailed Vietnamese pastor is denied vital medical treatment
Nguyen Trung Ton was arrested in July last year with other members of his pro-democracy group, Brotherhood for Democracy.
Aid agencies call on Jeremy Hunt to back Yemen peace moves
Aid organisations have implored Britain's foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt to use the influence of the UK government to bring to an end the long-running conflict in Yemen.
Amnesty International strips Burma leader Aung San Suu Kyi of human rights award
Amnesty International has withdrawn its most prestigious human rights prize from Aung San Suu Kyi, accusing the Myanmar leader of perpetuating human rights abuses by not speaking out about violence against the Rohingya Muslim minority.
Migrant caravan needs a 'holistic and comprehensive human rights approach'
Christian Aid is calling for a human rights-based approach to the migrant caravan making its way from Honduras to the US.