Christian florist faces thousands in legal fees after losing court appeal in gay wedding case
The Washington Supreme Court has again ruled against Christian grandma florist Barronelle Stutzman who faces the risk of crippling fines for refusing to create floral arrangements for a same-sex wedding.
Pastor David Platt prays over Donald Trump after US President makes unannounced visit to church
President Donald Trump made a brief unannounced visit to McLean Bible Church Sunday morning where Pastor David Platt prayed for him on stage.
More Americans think premarital sex and divorce are morally acceptable
An increasing majority of Americans view divorce, sex outside of marriage, gay relationships and birth control as morally acceptable while a majority of Americans continue to view abortion as morally wrong, according to new Gallup data.
Trump lays wreath in honour of fallen soldiers in Westminster Abbey
Donald Trump laid a wreath at the grave of the Unknown Warrior in Westminster Abbey on the first day of his state visit to the UK.
Millennial non-Christians more interested in Christianity than older generations - study
Millennial non-Christians are more likely than older non-Christians to be interested in spiritual issues, according to new research from Barna.
Why fewer and fewer Americans are getting divorced
Fewer and fewer Americans are getting divorced, with the rates falling 18% between 2008 and 2016.
Baby born the size of a large apple defies the odds to go home
An infant girl who weighed about the same as a large apple when she was born five months ago and is believed to be the world's tiniest baby ever to survive has gone home from a San Diego hospital.
Owners of life-sized ark sue insurers for refusing to cover $1m in rain damage
The Young Earth creationism museum Ark Encounter in Kentucky filed a lawsuit against an insurance company for refusing to cover $1 million in repairs that were needed following damage caused by heavy rainfall.
After Bill Hybels scandal, Willow Creek starts the search for a new senior pastor
Willow Creek Community Church has set up a search committee for a new senior pastor, with the hope that the position will be filled by the end of the year.
Further decline in membership for the Southern Baptist Convention
The Southern Baptist Convention experienced a decline in membership and worship attendance in 2018 but also an increase in financial giving, according to recently released numbers.
Church gives away free weddings to dozens of cohabiting couples
As marriage continues to decline amid divorce, cohabitation and rampant "casual sex," a Texas pastor is encouraging cohabiting singles to marry â and the church will pay for everything, from the rings to the wedding cake.
Nearly one in 10 Protestant Americans left church over sexual abuse concerns - study
New research from LifeWay reveals that Protestant churchgoers have mixed feelings about their church's ability to handle sexual misconduct when it happens within their congregations.
#BecauseofRHE: What I will remember about Rachel Held Evans
Rachel was able to confront evangelical controversies wisely, graciously and assertively both in her writing and speaking.
Alabama Governor Kay Ivey defends abortion ban
Alabama Governor Kay Ivey is standing by an abortion ban passed by state lawmakers this week.
Donald Trump urged to condemn China's religious freedom abuses in trade talks
The Trump administration was strongly urged by a congressionally-mandated commission to bring up the continued persecution of Christians and other religious minorities with China's top trade negotiator during this week's trade talks in Washington.