Vote your Christian values, urge bishops in election letter
Vote your Christian values, urge bishops in election letter

The Catholic bishops of England and Wales have written a letter to their dioceses nationwide, stressing Christian values as it implores participation in Britain's upcoming general election.

Gifted multi-lingual musician appointed Pope\'s first ever African ambassador to Ireland
Gifted multi-lingual musician appointed Pope's first ever African ambassador to Ireland

Pope Francis has appointed Archbishop Jude Thaddeus Okolo, aged 60, to serve as Apostolic Nuncio to Ireland, starting from this summer.

Louisiana Baptists forgive Russell Moore for \'breach of fellowship\' after he apologises
Louisiana Baptists forgive Russell Moore for 'breach of fellowship' after he apologises

Prominent Southern Baptist Russell Moore has won the backing of Baptists in Louisiana after apologising for divisions caused by his criticisms of President Donald Trump, Baptist Press reports.

Jesus said the disciples would do \'greater works\' than he did. He didn\'t mention walking on water
Jesus said the disciples would do 'greater works' than he did. He didn't mention walking on water

This weekend brought the news of a pastor apparently eaten alive by crocodiles in an attempted demonstration of his faith.

\'Heartbreaking\' controversy hits Voice of the Martyrs persecution charity in Nigeria
'Heartbreaking' controversy hits Voice of the Martyrs persecution charity in Nigeria

A persecution organisation in the United States has severed all links with a sister organisation in Nigeria after questions have been raised about allegatins of abuse and use of charitable funds.

Politicians on trial: Why we need more from this election than slogans and abuse

If the three or so weeks of semi-official campaigning so far are anything to go by, the election has been an exercise in saying as little as possible, as frequently as possible, or as colourfully as possible.

Is the government using vulnerable refugees to score political points?
Is the government using vulnerable refugees to score political points?

It seems that some of our politicians are using the plight of vulnerable refugee children as a political football for point-scoring against one another.

South Sudan has been struck by famine. This is how a Christian charity is helping
South Sudan has been struck by famine. This is how a Christian charity is helping

Often it is in places of most human suffering that we hear stories of the greatest human resolve and resilience. South Sudan is one of those places.

Who was Francis Schaeffer? 9 quotes from a 20th century Christian icon
Who was Francis Schaeffer? 9 quotes from a 20th century Christian icon

Francis Schaeffer, an enigmatic thinker, writer and icon of 1970s evangelicalism died on this day in 1984. His legacy has endured to this day, in more ways than one.

Pope Francis doubts authenticity of continuing visions of Virgin Mary in Medjugorje
Pope Francis doubts authenticity of continuing visions of Virgin Mary in Medjugorje

In the wake of canonising two children whose visions of the Virgin Mary in Fatima in Portugal a century ago transfixed the world, Pope Francis has cast doubt on the veracity of visions that continue to this day in Bosnia.

The Jesmond crisis: My shocking suggestion for the Bishop of Newcastle
The Jesmond crisis: My shocking suggestion for the Bishop of Newcastle

The consecration of a 'rogue' bishop on her patch presents a bit of a conundrum for the Bishop of Newcastle, Christine Hardman. For what, if anything, should she do about this unexpected episcopal presence?

Story about Zimbabwe pastor eaten alive by crocodiles is fake news
Story about Zimbabwe pastor eaten alive by crocodiles is fake news

A story about Zimbabwe pastoreaten alive by three crocodiles after he attempted to show his congregation he could walk on water has been widely reported. The trouble is it never happened - the story is fake news.

Drugged child soldiers involved in attacks by Christian militias on Muslims in Central African Republic
Drugged child soldiers involved in attacks by Christian militias on Muslims in Central African Republic

Christian militias killed as many as 30 civilians over the weekend in escalating violence on the Central African Republic border with Congo.

Pope canonises Fatima visionaries, giving Church new child saints
Pope canonises Fatima visionaries, giving Church new child saints

Pope Francis gave the Catholic Church two of its youngest saints on Saturday, canonising shepherd siblings believed to have seen the Madonna 100 years ago in a Portuguese town that is now a major pilgrimage site.

Hackers use stolen NSA tool in global cyberattack
Hackers use stolen NSA tool in global cyberattack

A global cyber attack leveraging hacking tools believed to have been developed by the U.S. National Security Agency has infected tens of thousands of computers in nearly 100 countries, disrupting Britain's health system and global shipper FedEx.

Fresh Fire evangelist Todd Bentley suggests followers send money to wife\'s Paypal account for her birthday
Fresh Fire evangelist Todd Bentley suggests followers send money to wife's Paypal account for her birthday

The healing evangelist asked followers on social media to bless his wife Jessa with birthday wishes and money to her PayPal account so she could do little things she loves like getting "her nails done and her hair done, and makeup."