Witches used summer solstice to cast more spells on Donald Trump
At the stroke of midnight on the summer solstice, thousands of witches connected via the internet in yet another attempt to cast a curse on Trump.

Ten Commandments tablet in Arkansas stokes controversy â then driver smashes it to pieces
A much-contested stone monument inscribed with the Bible's Ten Commandments at the Arkansas state capitol was smashed to pieces after a vehicle drove into it this morning, less than 24 hours after it was erected.

Franklin Graham hails quarterback Derek Carr: 'Derek isn't ashamed to talk about his walk with Jesus Christ'
Evangelist Franklin Graham has spoken out in praise of Oaklands Raiders quarterback Derek Carr, a committed Christian, after he said the first thing he will do with his new record earnings is tithe to his church.

The bishop who battled heretics: 9 quotes from Church Father Irenaeus of Lyon
Today is the feast day of the ancient Christian bishop, apologist and Church Father Irenaeus of Lyon. Who was he?

Home is where the hurt is?
What is 'home' to you? A real place, an imaginary one, or somewhere you hope to find after death? In her new, beautifully written and meticulously researched book Home: The Quest to Belong, Jo Swinney explores the many ways we seek and find home

Americans still put family first - but is advancing technology a threat?
When ranking life priorities, studies suggest most Americans still put their family first. But in a time of shifting values and emerging technology shaping modern life, is the family at risk?

Facebook is the new church, says Mark Zuckerberg
Zuckerberg, founder and head of Facebook, says his creation can now fill the role once held by churches, and organisations such as Little League

Wiltshire church vicar condemns 'disgraceful' barbecue atop 200-year old grave
Controversy was stirred at the weekend when a 200-year-old gravestone at an English church was used for a barbecue; the church vicar called it 'disgraceful'.

A war story: 'There is no pit so deep God's love is not deeper still'
The remarkable story of how Corrie ten Boom, a Dutch Christian, helped Jews escape the Nazi Holocaust during the Second World War and how she escaped execution herself only through a clerical error.

Christians used as human shields in battle for ISIS-held city in Philippines
Christians are being used as human shields by ISIS militants in the Philippines' as government forces try to recapture Marawi City.

Christian legal group backs Trump's travel ban: warns of terror threat to America
A conservative Christian legal advocacy group has announced its support of Donald Trump's travel ban, which was yesterday partially reinstated by the US Supreme Court. The group highlighted the need to combat foreign terror threats.

J John's 'Just One' will see 20,000 gather for the UK's largest evangelistic event in decades
In July 20,000 people from across the UK will fill London's Emirates Stadium to hear the Gospel preached by international evangelist J John. Just One is a mass-gathering the scale of which has not been seen in the UK since the visit of famed evangelist Billy Graham more than three decades ago.

Former Archbishop Rowan Williams: Religious minorities must be at heart of any Iran deal
Former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams is leading a campaign urging western countries to put religious minorities at the heart of any future deal with Iran

Supreme Court rules in favour of Lutheran Church over funding dispute
The Supreme Court has ruled that a playground owned by a Lutheran church can receive a subsidy from a state programme.

Supreme Court to rule on Christian 'gay cake' baker
The US Supreme Court will judge whether a Christian baker discriminated against a gay couple by refusing to make their wedding cake on religious grounds

Methodist Church may get bishops for the first time in UK in mutual recognition pact with Anglicans
Methodists and Anglicans are embarking on a process of historic proposals that would recognise the ministers and priests of both churches for the first time since they split in the late 18th century. And for the first time ever, the proposals, if agreed, would give Methodists in the UK a bishop.