The monumental importance of the Indian Prime Minister's visit to Israel
Amid the fanfare and celebration, the world must not miss the extraordinary story of India's adaptive diplomacy in the Middle East.

Christian baker tells 'The View' hosts Jesus wouldn't bake a cake for a same-sex wedding
Jack Phillips' position was challenged by same-sex couple Dave Mullins and Charlie Craig after he refused to bake a cake to celebrate their wedding. The case is being reviewed by the Supreme Court.

'God's Not Dead' makers donate $25,000 to rebuild Ten Commandments monument destroyed at Arkansas Capitol by protester
Pure Flix, the studio behind hit Christian movie 'God's Not Dead', is giving $25,000 towards the restoration of the monument destroyed when a man drove into it.

5 truths the church needs to awaken to if it wants to experience revival
Think about the potential of a fully awakened church.

Why has the Catholic Church banned gluten-free wafers for Communion?
The Catholic Church has ruled that congregants must not be allowed gluten-free wafers as part of the holy sacrament of the Eucharist. But why?

Inspired by her faith in Jesus, broadcaster Pam Rhodes steps up to help people with leprosy
Rhodes, known for fronting the BBC's Songs of Praise, has been appointed vice president of The Leprosy Mission England and Wales.

Christian Aid helps thousands hit by monsoon catastrophe in India's Assam State
Hundreds of thousands have been left homeless and at least 18 people have died in a monsoon catastrophe hitting Assam State in India this year.

Should churches take up offerings during services?
It's a very traditional practice and for many it's inseparable from worship. But many churches are ditching it.

Victory in Mosul â but what next for the city's traumatised survivors?
The cost of victory to civilians has been horrendous, with many thousands feared dead. Survivors are starving and traumatised, and large parts of the city have been destroyed.

God v evolution? How science and faith fought at the Scopes Monkey Trial
Is it a crime for a schoolteacher to teach students about evolution? Can creationism be questioned? The infamous American trial that debated the very question began on this day in 1925.

'I can do all things through God': Disabled Navy mechanic prepares for Warrior Games
This Navy mechanic followed her calling fom God when she signed up for the military.nThen an accident aboard ship in Japan meant she needed a foot amputated. Now she is a star athlete in the US Department of Defence Warrior Games.

Can psychoactive drugs help ministers be more effective? University researchers aim to find out
Scientists at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore have enlisted two dozen religious leaders for a study in which they are given two doses of psilocybin, the active ingredient in 'magic mushrooms'.

Battle over Charlie Gard case continues as US pastor says hospital didn't want him to pray
A controversial American pastor was denied from praying with Charlie Gard and his parents, as high-profile publicity continues to surround the case of the terminally ill-baby in London.

Former Manchester United star swaps Premier League for the priesthood â will give first Mass tonight
A former English football star, Philip Mulryne, has turned from the Premier League to the priesthood â and will tonight say his first Mass as a Catholic priest.

Teen survives attack by bear at Christian camp
The youth, named as Dylan and believed to be around 18 years old, was dragged from the Christian camp by the black bear and bitten twice in the head at Glacier View Ranch, near Boulder.

Proof: Young people are far more receptive to the gospel than we think
Last month, Hope Revolution published its 'Talking Jesus' research, looking at perceptions of Jesus, Christians and Evangelism among 11 to 18-year-olds.