Praising God in everything: Horatius Bonar, pastor and hymn writer
Praising God in everything: Horatius Bonar, pastor and hymn writer

One of the great 19th century hymn writers was Horatius Bonar, who died on this day in 1889.

Shane Claiborne challenges Jerry Falwell to debate Trump and Jesus
Shane Claiborne challenges Jerry Falwell to debate Trump and Jesus

Radical Christian Shane Claiborne has challenged Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jnr to a public debate following the defeat in the Senate of a bill aimed at repealing Obamacare.

7 ways to help your children encounter God this summer
7 ways to help your children encounter God this summer

I love the summer holidays, and remember as a child those long lazy days paddling in streams, flying kites and building dens made of sticks.

Shining light or shrinking violet: Did Jesus contradict himself?
Shining light or shrinking violet: Did Jesus contradict himself?

There's a puzzle at the heart of Christian living: are good deeds meant to be public – a living light to the world – or purely private, as hidden and humble as can be? Jesus seems to have said both. Did Christ contradict himself?

Can science prove Christian meditation works?
Can science prove Christian meditation works?

'Wellness tourism', as trips to religious and secular retreats are called, is growing twice as fast as overall tourism, according to the Global Wellness Institute.

10 calamities that took place on the Jewish fast day of Tisha B\'Av
10 calamities that took place on the Jewish fast day of Tisha B'Av

Monday night sees the start of the saddest day of the Jewish calendar, known in Hebrew as Tisha B'Av (the 9th of the Hebrew month of Av).

Where is the Church of England Evangelical Council when we need it?
Where is the Church of England Evangelical Council when we need it?

A long time ago, in a land that certainly now feels far, far away, the renowned Anglican evangelical theologian John Stott had a good idea.

Trump and Japan\'s PM Shinzo Abe discuss \'grave and growing\' North Korea threat
Trump and Japan's PM Shinzo Abe discuss 'grave and growing' North Korea threat

Nikki Haley, US Ambassador to the United Nations, said in a statement China must decide if it is willing to back imposing stronger UN sanctions on North Korea.

Are microchips under the skin a mark of the beast?
Are microchips under the skin a mark of the beast?

There's an item in the news that caught my attention and made me wonder if Bible prophesy is possibly being fulfilled in our time.

From a church sanctuary, Colorado woman resists deportation
From a church sanctuary, Colorado woman resists deportation

Sabido has been battling to stay in the United States for most of the last 30 years after crossing the border illegally from Mexico.

Trump threatens to end insurance payments if no healthcare bill

In a Twitter message on Saturday, Trump said 'if a new HealthCare Bill is not approved quickly, BAILOUTS for Insurance Companies and BAILOUTS for Members of Congress will end very soon!'

Australia foils Islamist plot aimed at aircraft in counter-terrorism coup
Australia foils Islamist plot aimed at aircraft in counter-terrorism coup

Five properties were searched on Saturday across the Sydney suburbs of Surry Hills, Lakemba, Punchbowl and Wiley Park.

North Korea missile prompts US bomber flight over Korean peninsula
North Korea missile prompts US bomber flight over Korean peninsula

North Korea said it conducted another successful test of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) on Friday that proved its ability to strike America's mainland.

Generations of inbreeding in fundamentalist Mormon sect blamed for explosion in disease that leaves children severely mentally and physically disabled
Generations of inbreeding in fundamentalist Mormon sect blamed for explosion in disease that leaves children severely mentally and physically disabled

The disease distorts facial features and damages mental faculties and members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are over a million times more likely than the rest of the global population to have it.

Transgender activist agrees with Donald Trump\'s military ban, says \'We should be disqualified\'
Transgender activist agrees with Donald Trump's military ban, says 'We should be disqualified'

Transwoman Edie Dixon had some remarkable things to say in support of Trump's ban on transgender people in the military and his position towards transgender bathroom rights.

Lesbian mom wants Christian judge removed from divorce case because of his religious views; he\'s refusing to go
Lesbian mom wants Christian judge removed from divorce case because of his religious views; he's refusing to go

Tiara Brooke Lycans petitioned for Judge Shaunathan C. Bell to remove himself from her divorce case because he is a Baptist preacher with conservative views on marriage. But he's refusing.