Evangelicals in Spain: 'Respond to terror with values that respect the life of Jesus'
'The gospel shows us that the only way in which evil is overcome is not with more evil, but with good.'

Pastor Greg Boyd: 'America was founded as a white supremacist nation'
A leading white evangelical pastor is calling on Christians to recognise the white supremacy across America and for the Church to denounce it.

Barcelona terror: Pope Francis joins Catholics in praying for victims of 'utterly reprehensible' attack
Pope Francis is joining other Catholic leaders to pray for victims of a terrorist attack on Barcelona on Thursday evening.

The best Christian movie you've never seen: Meet The Pretender
Thank the Good Lord for Amazon Prime. Without it, we'd have no access to the swathes of terrible, obscure and until-recently-deleted-from-sale movies and TV shows that have found a new home in its back catalogue.
White evangelical leader begs forgiveness over racism as James Murdoch rips Trump
As James Murdoch pledges $1 million to the Anti-Defamation League, a leading white evangelical Christian has issued an open letter of repentance for the 'vile acts of hatred and terrorism' in Charlottesville.

Christian summer camp in Greece burned down in forest fire
A Christian summer camp in Greece was burned down this summer as the country faced an onslaught of forest fires.

Descendants of Confederate generals say statues should be removed if 'offensive'
Descendants of Confederate leaders and slave owners, whose statues are at the heart of a controversy around white supremacy in the US, are calling for them to be taken down.

Spain hunts driver who killed 13 in Barcelona van attack
Spain mounted a sweeping anti-terror operation on Friday after a suspected Islamist militant drove a van into crowds in Barcelona.

US Religious Freedom report: These top 5 American allies are criticised for persecution
So here are five countries Trump has looked to build relations with and what his administration has said about their religious freedom record:

Character counts: Trump failed the nation, but this forgiving family showed true leadership
Character counts. Leadership matters. In crisis, we need hope, faith and love â not hate. President Trump doesn't understand, but this week two grieving, everyday American parents showed how it's done.

Sierra Leone buries its dead: 'We've never seen anything like this,' says Tearfund worker
Hundreds of people died in what is being described as one of Africa's worst flood disasters when a mountainside collapsed the town of Regent.

Charlottesville puts Trump on the brink: US President increasingly isolated as Christians, generals and staffers condemn his response
Donald Trump's grip on the presidency appeared to be slipping today as some white evangelicals joined two senior military generals and a series of White House staffers in condemning him over his disastrous handling of the Charlottesville violence.

How does the average American pray â and what for?
The vast majority of Americans pray. But how do they do it, and what do they pray for? New research has shed light on the intercessory habits of Americans.

Why are thousands of people who've never set foot in church before suddenly showing up for choral evensong?
Thousands of people are attending choral evensong services in churches and cathedrals around the country, many for the first time, thanks to a new website set up to promote Britain's unique choral Christian heritage

Why every church should build a kids' holiday club into its mission plan
Parents, standing at the back of the building at the end of the day with a look of quiet incredulity, are perhaps having their preconceptions about Christians radically challenged.

After A-levels, volunteering overseas gave me direction and purpose
Throughout my final year of A-levels I was questioning, what should I do next? Should I head to university? What should I study? Could I afford the rising fees?