Why we need a National Mindfulness Day for Christians
With an epidemic of mental ill health across all-ages, and especially young people, mindfulness is crucial not just to spiritual well-being, but our mental well-being.

Australia's same-sex marriage referendum: Sydney clergy blast 'extraordinary use of church money' after diocese's $1m donation to 'no' camp
Sydney's Anglican clergy are in open rebellion against their diocese's decision to donate $1million to the campaign against same-sex marriage.

Ever felt betrayed? This is for you
As we continue our fortnightly pilgrimage through Mark's gospel we come to the place where Jesus is betrayed by Judas Iscariot, one of his 12 disciples.

How faith in God helped this doctor conquer her anorexia
There is a growing body of research into the mental health benefits of spirituality.

US church offers AR-15 assault rifles as raffle prizes less than week after Las Vegas shooting
A US church is facing criticism after it offered two semi-automatic assault rifles as a raffle prize less than a week after America was hit by the worst mass shooting in its modern history.

Conservative Anglican leader breaks ranks: 'We are not walking together'
A conservative Anglican leader has broken ranks to launch an attack on fellow Church heads around the world, saying 'you have to either be a relativist, pluralist or there's no place for you' in the worldwide Anglican Communion.

Church leaders join appeal for desperate Rohingya refugees
Britain's faith leaders have urged Christians, Muslims and people of all faiths to support the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) appeal for people fleeing Myanmar.

Where is kidnapped Pastor Raymond Koh?
No one has been held to account, and there are fears the kidnappings mark a new level of violent intolerance in the Muslim-majority country.

Franklin Graham offers 'three cheers' for Mike Pence's NFL walkout
Franklin Graham is praising Mike Pence's publicity stunt that saw the Vice President and his wife walk out of an NFL game after several players knelt during the national anthem in silent protest at police violence against black people.

The Baptist hero who survived prison for the 'damnable doctrine' of infant baptism
Benjamin Keach (1640-1704) was a great English Baptist hero, who on this day in 1664 was tried by Lord Chief Justice Hyde for his heretical opinions.

Robert Grosseteste: The medieval bishop who (nearly) invented the Big Bang Theory
In today's world, where science and religion are often assumed to be in conflict, Robert Grosseteste reminds us that they aren't.

Blade Runner 2049 asks: Are we all going to Hell?
There aren't many darker visions of the future than the one offered by Blade Runner.

Thoughts and Prayers computer game mocks the Christian response to shootings... but does it have a point?
Christians are among the targets of a satirical online game designed in the midst of America's continuing mass-shooting epidemic.

Mass grave with 21 Coptic Christians' beheaded bodies found in Libya
A mass grave with the bodies of 21 Coptic Christians beheaded in Libya has been found, according to the country's interior ministry.

Tens of thousands gather for controversial prayer event in Poland
Tens of thousands of people have taken part in a controversial prayer event for the salvation of Poland and the world.