A black Friday for Britain
The path towards assisted suicide has been long in the making, when we forgot our obligations to the community and to God, and prioritised our own desires. This is the result.
Britain's slide into spiritual darkness
No one wishes to deny or downplay the reality of suffering, and there is nothing more heart-breaking than watching someone you love when they are in pain, but there is a world of difference between doing all you can to alleviate that pain, and designedly giving 'treatment' to bring about death.
What do Christians have to say about death?
Many people, including many Christians, find the idea of eternal damnation difficult to accept.
An open letter to my MP (and yours) on assisted suicide
This new law would not be a mild change to the law, enabling a compassionate approach to a few suffering people who need it. This would be a fundamental change in society, written into law.
The suicidal religion of autonomy
Complaining that some people oppose assisted suicide for 'religious reasons' gets it precisely backwards.
Free speech is under serious threat in the UK - and Christians should be concerned
Despite the good news that Essex Police have dropped their Stasi-like investigation into Telegraph journalist Allison Pearson, orthodox Christians should still expect trouble from the woke police.
How churches can help people deal with grief
Christian Today speaks to Sonya Pascoe, bereavement trainer at Care for the Family, about the organisation's new book The Grief Journey and how churches can support people who have lost a loved one.
What is truth?
Despite claiming there is no absolute truth, many postmodern beliefs are selling their own version of 'truth', and seem just as keen to impose their own 'truth' onto others as other worldviews ever did.
How the Bible unravels one of the strongest arguments for abortion
It is wrong to argue that human freedom means the right to abort unborn children.
What does obedient leadership look like in the face of laws to kill babies?
What evil has God asked you to confront in your life? How is God asking you to stand for Him in your life? Like Elijah, are you doing it?
Why are we so far away from what we read about in Acts?
Despite once being a world leader in generosity, the UK has steadily declined in global generosity rankings over the past decade.
Why the appointment of the next Archbishop of Canterbury may prove challenging
The deep divisions within the Church of England and the Anglican Communion over the issue of human sexuality mean that it will become very difficult, if not impossible, to find someone everyone can agree on.