Peace at the zero point
Especially in the Ukraine war with all its religious sub-themes, the churches should talk to each other and deal with the religious roots of this war.
Has the UK Church succumbed to the 'scarcity gospel'?
The prosperity gospel is indeed heresy. And yet, some Christians reading this article might be missing a bigger danger closer to home.
How to revitalise a dormant church
Christian Today speaks to David Brown, author of Reconnect Your Church, about how churches can stay healthy and prevent decline.
The Church of England and the chaplain who dared to speak the truth
The idea that a member of the clergy could be prevented from leading services or preaching because they hold to the Church's own teaching on marriage and sexual activity seems extraordinary.
Borders and peace
Vladimir Putin justifies his war against Ukraine by claiming to protect Russia at its historic borders. The question however is: what does he mean by 'historic'?
Is the consumerist West headed toward killing those with dementia?
We imagine anyone who needs help to thrive as a 'burden,' and thus the compassionate thing to do is end their lives. This is terribly ableist.
To stand or not to stand
For many, the instructions we are given in a place of worship are not accessible.
What happens when the church takes responsibility for its own Bible translation?
Traditional Bible translation methods have provided scriptures for millions of people but cannot keep pace with the demand.
Why is same-sex marriage an issue in the election of the new Scottish First Minister?
If the top candidate for a job is effectively excluded for being a Christian, then we have moved into a really dark place.
In praise of passion
Enthusiasm is infectious. But sadly, in our churches, we don't always do enthusiasm well.
Agents of hope: why the UK urgently needs a new movement of chaplains
From the stress and strain in all strands of the public sector, to increasingly popular calls for mental health support coming from celebrities and professionals alike, the importance of personal wellbeing has never been higher on the public agenda.
Is Christianity sexist?
A common accusation is that Christianity is an oppressively patriarchal religion that either subjugates women or, at least, devalues them. This accusation is almost exclusively Western and modern.