What progressive Christians get wrong
Progressive Christians, intent on enforcing equality in the church, instead sow division.
Living in a world that's lost its reason
I was talking to a friend about the challenges that we Christians face today when he said, 'We are swimming against the current â the world has lost its reason.' The phrase struck me and I've been pondering it.
Cass Review shows children have been failed by medical and social 'transition'
It is not true that you may be born in the wrong body. It is not true that you can change gender. It is not true that puberty-blockers will help children. It is high time we stopped telling children these things.
Scotland's destiny and the rewriting of history
Orwell's 1984 is more and more sounding like a handbook for Western 'progressive' society in the UK.
Pesach's survival story is relevant for today
Jewish academic and Hebrew scholar Irene Lancaster reflects on the survival of Israel and what this has to do with Pesach - or Passover.
Resisting oppressive hate crime laws will come at a cost
Feminists in Scotland are closing ranks against the SNP's new hate crime law, but how will orthodox Christians fare under the regime?
Dawkins and 'cultural Christianity': what does it all mean?
Dawkins' admiration for "cultural" Christianity is not new. What has changed is the dawning realisation of how much we have lost.
Paganism has colonised the Church
In many churches the faith 'once delivered to the saints' has become little more than an antiquarian curio.
How the Easter message shaped Western values
Values such as tolerance, charity and human rights are often considered secular beliefs of the modern world, independent from any religion, especially the Christian faith that once infused the countries where these values were born.
Leaning on God when His people disappoint
Christian Today speaks with worship leader Natalie Runion about her experience of 'church hurt' and what Christians can do to support those who have had similar experiences.
What Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook get wrong about Luther
And it's quite a lot!
What is good about Good Friday?
Good Friday is when Christians remember the crucifixion and death of Jesus. But what is good about Good Friday?