The UK election â a new start and new sense of hope?
Let's try to avoid the hyperbole of 'the kingdom is coming', or 'we are all doomed', and reflect on what this result means for the UK, and the Church.
General Synod: a watershed moment?
CEEC continues to believe that permanent structural reorganisation is the only provision that will guarantee orthodox life going forwards. We will continue to work to make that a reality in the Church of England.
Challenging ageism in the Church
Age has rapidly become a massively divisive issue in societies across the world. But is the Church any better at bridging the generation divide?
What is the origin of the word 'Bible'?
How we get the word 'Bible' is tied to the history of the Bible itself. This is the story...
In the US, support drops for same-sex 'marriage'
This reversal is significant. It may even suggest a potential backlash.
What has mercy got to do with the general elections?
Our society is deeply polarised, and there is nothing like an election campaign to bring out the worst in us when it comes to hostility towards people we disagree with.
How surviving cancer shaped my music and my faith
Christian Today spoke with gospel artist Sarah Téibo to hear more about how her faith carried her through a frightening cancer diagnosis and how her experience has shaped her music and her relationship with God.
Human rights and the moral debate about abortion
If human life starts at conception, then what exists in a woman's womb is not part of her body but another human being, and neither her right to bodily autonomy nor anyone else's desire to bring the pregnancy to an end can override that human being's right to life and the moral obligation to respect this.
Numbers 13-15 and how not to spy out the Land
Jewish academic and Hebrew scholar Irene Lancaster reflects on the spies who were sent out to explore the Promised Land and what we can learn from them today.
Whatever happened to 'family values'?
There was a period of time in the 1990s when it was popular for politicians to talk about 'family values'. The voting population was often surveyed to discover their relative ratings of political parties' support for these beliefs. But this concern seems less common in recent times. What happened?
Remembering our 'forgotten servants' at sea
Almost two million seafarers face danger every day to keep our global economy afloat. But are Christians doing enough to support our 'forgotten servants' who deliver more than 90 per cent of the goods we rely on?
The joy of sharing the word one to one
"Why has no one shown me this before?!" How often I hear this, comment as I share the Gospel for the first time. In its dismay, I suggest we should realise afresh how clearly and how powerfully God's Word continues to speak today.