On 21st century idolatry and its repercussions
Do you think it is right to trample over the needs of the local populace in order to build and worship idols? No - me neither.
We were here when medical science lost its mind
One day, when sanity returns to the world, we will be able to tell a future generation, "We were here when science lost touch with reality. We were here when the medical profession lost its mind. We were here when feelings displaced biology."
Paul, same-sex marriage and the slavery argument
Francis Spufford says he has changed his mind about same-sex marriage and is now in favour it, but here's why I disagree.
In Turkey, Christians are being persecuted just for preaching
Using the pretext of enforcing vague immigration laws, the Turkish government is hindering people like David Byle from sharing the good news with others.
Neither 'straight' nor honest â The Times' undercover investigation into conversion therapy
The latest stinging exposé in The Times attacking so-called 'conversion therapy' is not just selective, but completely ignores the pain of those who truly don't want to live with same-sex attraction.
Cut and run? The NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan and Christian just war theory
Martin Davie on why he thinks NATO forces should not withdraw from Afghanistan.
How can we make a difference for those on the margins?
Early on in the pandemic, Madonna infamously referred to Covid-19 as a 'great equaliser', but such 'equalisers' don't really exist, writes LICC's Matt Jolley. Dig a little deeper and you'll almost always find that the rich, powerful, and privileged will have an easier time of it.
If climate change is as serious as they say it is, only God will be able to save us from it
For the continued survival of our species on planet Earth, we need to respond now, before it's too late. Which means we need to repent our unthinking plunder of the world's resources and our worship of sexual and other (over) indulgence, and turn back to God.
This World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, Christians must act
As the Covid-19 pandemic has swept across the globe, what has fallen into step behind it is an increase in violence and exploitation of people in poverty.
John Lennon's hopeless humanist hymn, "Imagine", is the wrong song for the Olympics
After yet another Olympic appearance, it seems as though "Imagine" has become the secular humanist hymn for our times, the godless prayer that must be uttered on any occasion â sometimes even by Christian clergy.
If assisting self-harm is not OK, then why are we thinking about legalising assisted suicide?
The Law Commission has announced proposals for a new crime of intentionally encouraging or assisting serious self-harm at the very time when Parliament is considering legalising assisted suicide.
A conspiracy of corruption that allowed abuse to continue unchecked
For years now, the reports of child sex abuse have been too frequent and widespread â too endemic â to ignore. Yet those in authority, charged with dealing with them, appear wilfully to have ignored the evidence.