What is a pagan goddess doing in a place of Christian worship?
Everyone agrees that looking after the planet is important, but the "Gaia" exhibition touring UK churches crosses a line into pagan idolatry.
How we can make Christmas special for people with dementia
After the upheaval to Christmas 2020, many people are preparing for a 'proper' Christmas this year and if there are people in your midst with dementia, there are some simple things you can do.
Why all the fuss about the original sin?
Original sin is an essential piece of Christian doctrine. If you are a Christian, you should not be squeamish about it, and if you are not a Christian then I suggest that you should be a lot more open to the notion than you probably are.
Disabled people are being wrongly left out of climate talks
Sadly, this comes as no surprise to many disabled people because we tend to be an afterthought in most things, writes Kay Morgan-Gurr.
Gender 'equality' in a fallen world
Mothers should be unashamedly celebrated for who and what they are, and not downgraded to merely 'people who give birth'
Is the NHS really God's key instrument of healing?
The afflictions tackled by the NHS are only reflections of the fundamental problem facing human beings
The Church has something distinctive to say about climate change - if only it would say it
Just when we have the answers to the questions that the world is answering, it appears that so much of the Church, including some evangelicals, have got caught up in the solutions that the world is offering.
The sacredness of our Christian ruins
A little known chapel changed the fate of the cluster of settlements which would one day become the great northern city of Newcastle Upon Tyne.
Why I fear our loss of values more than I fear climate change
Driven by politics and self-interest, any attempt to change society will not be successful so long as we don't see changed individuals.
As greenhouses gases continue to soar, what might God be saying?
To have any chance of winning the climate battle, we need the help of the One who called all of life into being.
Eschatological beliefs do not justify environmental inaction
Some current end-times teaching has led to passivity in the face of global challenges, writes Martyn Whittock.
The paradox of Halloween
When so many people want just comfort and pleasure in life, why engage with a public festival at the end of October that courts horror and death?