
Fund Trump's wall, Hispanic evangelical leader tells Democrats
Fund Trump's wall, Hispanic evangelical leader tells Democrats

Parts of the US government have been shut down in an impasse over funding the wall, a key Trump campaign promise.

Spanish evangelicals celebrate another year of growth
Spanish evangelicals celebrate another year of growth

Evangelicalism in Spain is on the rise, according to official figures, with nearly 200 new places of worship registered last year.

Happy Tuesday: God is (still) with you
Happy Tuesday: God is (still) with you

In our culture, once the festivities finish the malaise manifests.

A two-word argument against 'transgender liturgy'
A two-word argument against 'transgender liturgy'

After all, shouldn't churches welcome transgender people? Didn't Jesus come for everyone – especially those often marginalised or discriminated against?

Ukraine Orthodox Church marks first Christmas free of Russian 'fetters'
Ukraine Orthodox Church marks first Christmas free of Russian 'fetters'

Hundreds of Ukrainians queued in the snow after the lavish two-hour liturgy at Kiev's St Sophia Cathedral.

Why the First Commandment is crucial for religious liberty
Why the First Commandment is crucial for religious liberty

Those officials see very clearly that if believers are allowed to proclaim the lordship of Christ, their ultimate loyalty cannot be to the state.

NHS faces huge challenges to boost 'unacceptable' mental health provision for young people
NHS faces huge challenges to boost 'unacceptable' mental health provision for young people

The Government faces huge challenges in delivering on its promise to ensure more young people have access to mental health services, The Children's Society has warned.

In chilling move, Chinese official erases First Commandment
In chilling move, Chinese official erases First Commandment

'This is a national policy. You should have a clear understanding of the situation. Don't go against the government.'

Pope says boats carrying 49 migrants stranded in the Mediterranean should be allowed to dock
Pope says boats carrying 49 migrants stranded in the Mediterranean should be allowed to dock

The Pope made a 'heartfelt appeal' to European leaders on Sunday to end their stand-off over two rescue boats carrying 49 migrants in the Mediterranean.

Egypt's President Sisi opens mega-mosque and Middle East's largest cathedral in New Capital
Egypt's President Sisi opens mega-mosque and Middle East's largest cathedral in New Capital

Copts, the largest Christian minority in the Middle East, held a a midnight mass in the Cathedral of the Nativity.

'We are witches': Abuse scandal divides parishes and politics in Poland
'We are witches': Abuse scandal divides parishes and politics in Poland

Many parishioners believe she and other mothers of those molested 'simply convicted an innocent man', she said.

Christian Bale thanks Satan for his Golden Globes win
Christian Bale thanks Satan for his Golden Globes win

Evidently spoofing actors who thank God for their wins, Bale said: 'Thank you to Satan for giving me inspiration on how to play this role.'

Cardinal's trial puts French Church in glare of Catholic abuse scandal
Cardinal's trial puts French Church in glare of Catholic abuse scandal

Cardinal Philippe Barbarin is the highest-profile cleric to be caught up in the paedophile scandal inside the Catholic Church in France.

How Israel's Christians are fighting moves to take their land away
How Israel's Christians are fighting moves to take their land away

Previous attempts to impose the so-called 'Tenants' Rights Bill' received worldwide condemnation and even led to the temporary closure of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Old City.

Ecumenical Patriarch hands over decree, sealing Ukraine church independence
Ecumenical Patriarch hands over decree, sealing Ukraine church independence

The spiritual leader of Orthodox Christians worldwide on Sunday presented the head of the Ukrainian church with a decree granting it independence from Moscow, a historic split strongly opposed by Russia.

New £2.7 million fund to prevent parental conflict
New £2.7 million fund to prevent parental conflict

The money will be used to fund projects aimed at addressing the source of the conflict between parents, including debt problems, divorce and mental health issues.