
After the Screaming Stops: Bros, fame and God
'He was a rectangle and I was a rectangle and we made a square, which therefore is a fortress'.

New beginnings: A sermon on Exodus 15-17
As in Isaiah, in Genesis 1 and the following verses depicting the creation, the whole mood is one of anticipation. In order to allow Israel as a body to act, G-d constantly restrains her physically.

Offerings doubled by contactless collections: Church of England digital giving scheme to go nationwide
The successful trial of contactless offerings in the Church of England has led to an extension of the scheme across England and Wales, according to the company behind it.
Prayer with the pope just a click away with new app
He presented the Vatican's latest digital platform, known as the Worldwide Network of Prayer with the Pope, during his traditional Sunday address.

Blue Monday: What does the Bible say?
Today is Blue Monday, the day of the year when we're all supposed to be at our most miserable.

Church leaders urge Christians to pray for unity
Christian leaders across the UK have encouraged believers of all denominations to join in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

The Jericho road: Jesus' parable is about transformation, not charity
Jesus deliberately set his parable on the Jericho road because it was 17 miles of violence and oppression.

#ThingsDisabledPeopleKnow: Churches aren't good with disability
Tweets included ones like the old chestnut, 'No, praying for me won't make a difference.'

Archbishop of Canterbury: 'I pray in tongues every day'
'In my own prayer life and as part of my daily discipline I pray in tongues every day â not as an occasional thing, but as part of daily prayer.'

Congo political crisis deepens as top court rejects vote challenge
Rrunner-up Martin Fayulu said the decision had opened the way to a 'constitutional coup d'etat', raising fears of more violence.

Chinese scientist who made gene-edited babies evaded oversight to seek fame: report
A Chinese scientist who said he made the world's first 'gene-edited' babies intentionally evaded oversight and broke national guidelines.

Facebook blocks ads for pro-life movie 'Roe v. Wade' starring Jon Voight
The makers of a new pro-life movie starring Jon Voight have accused Facebook of blocking promotional ads.

More financial education needed to help Brits stay debt-free
It's Blue Monday, when many post-Christmas credit card bills will be arriving in the mail across the UK.

Vietnam demolitions pit Catholic Church against authorities
The demolition of about 100 homes near Ho Chi Minh City, including one owned by the Catholic Church, has pitted the church against authorities in the latest such dispute over land in the Communist Party-ruled country.

Aberdeen congregation splits from Scottish Episcopal Church over 'continued liberal trajectory'
A congregation in Aberdeen is parting ways with the Scottish Episcopal Church because of concerns that biblical authority is being compromised.

Poorest will be hurt the most by climate change, says Bishop of Dudley
The Bishop of Dudley has warned that the world's poorest people stand to lose the most as a result of climate change after the World Economic Forum said it was the greatest threat facing the world.