
Pope defrocks former US Cardinal Theodore McCarrick over sexual abuse

Former US Cardinal Theodore McCarrick has been defrocked after a Church investigation found him guilty of sexually abusing both minors and adults.

'Pray on' for Britain amid Brexit, says Jonathan Aitken

Former cabinet minister turned prison chaplain Jonathan Aitken is telling people to keep on praying as the clock ticks on Brexit without the nation being any clearer as to how things will look come March 29.

DC Comics pulls plug on Jesus comic series after over 230,000 people complain
DC Comics pulls plug on Jesus comic series after over 230,000 people complain

A comic series that was to depict Jesus Christ coming back to earth as the sidekick for an all-powerful superhero has been axed after more than 230,000 people complained that it was 'blasphemous'.

Church should not treat divorcees like 'modern-day lepers', says pastor
Church should not treat divorcees like 'modern-day lepers', says pastor

Around two in five marriages in the US end in divorce and Christians are sadly not immune to relationship breakdown.

Liberal pastor melts purity rings into vagina statue and gives it to abortion advocate
Liberal pastor melts purity rings into vagina statue and gives it to abortion advocate

Liberal Lutheran Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber unveiled a sculpture of a vulva made entirely of old purity rings to protest evangelical purity culture and presented it to pro-abortion second-wave feminist Gloria Steinem.

Split grows over same-sex blessings in Anglican Church in New Zealand
Split grows over same-sex blessings in Anglican Church in New Zealand

The decision by the Anglican Church in New Zealand to allow blessings for same-sex relationships has led to a widening rift with those who believe in the traditional position on sexuality.

Hillsong pastor Brian Houston commends Chris Pratt's 'bold faith in Jesus' after LGBTQ criticism
Hillsong pastor Brian Houston commends Chris Pratt's 'bold faith in Jesus' after LGBTQ criticism

Pastor Brian Houston praised actor Chris Pratt for his "bold faith in Jesus" as he endured public attacks from actor Ellen Page for going to church.

'What are they afraid of?' Archbishop of York challenges Government over One Yorkshire devolution snub
'What are they afraid of?' Archbishop of York challenges Government over One Yorkshire devolution snub

The Archbishop of York has questioned the decision by Communities Secretary James Brokenshire to turn down the One Yorkshire devolution deal.

Quarter of Americans think God wanted Donald Trump to become president

Sarah Sanders isn't the only American who thinks Trump was God's pick for the White House

France to replace 'mother' and 'father' with 'Parent 1' and 'Parent 2' on school forms
France to replace 'mother' and 'father' with 'Parent 1' and 'Parent 2' on school forms

School forms in France are set to go gender neutral after the French parliament voted to replace the words 'mother' and 'father' with 'Parent 1' and 'Parent 2'.

'The 21': The story of the Coptic Christian martyrs
'The 21': The story of the Coptic Christian martyrs

Exactly four years ago, on a beach in Libya on February 15, 2015, 21 orange-clad men were beheaded by fighters of Islamic State.

Does your brain have too many tabs open?
Does your brain have too many tabs open?

Many of us have lives in which there is simply too much going on and which we don't manage in the best way.

Tajik authorities confiscate, burn 5,000 Baptist calendars
Tajik authorities confiscate, burn 5,000 Baptist calendars

Customs authorities in Tajikistan have confirmed they have confiscated and burned 5,000 Christian calendars ordered by a Baptist church in the Central Asian country.

Catholic dioceses in New Jersey release names of accused priests
Catholic dioceses in New Jersey release names of accused priests

Five Roman Catholic dioceses in New Jersey on Wednesday released the names of 188 clergy members who have been accused of sexually abusing children.

Christian Aid: Let's hear the voices of schoolchildren striking over climate change
Christian Aid: Let's hear the voices of schoolchildren striking over climate change

Tens of thousands of students around the world have followed in the footsteps of Swedish 16-year-old Greta Thunberg

Prayers for peace in Nigeria ahead of general elections
Prayers for peace in Nigeria ahead of general elections

The Archbishop of Canterbury is praying that Nigeria's general elections will pass off peacefully this coming weekend.