
'Let my people go' - Boris Johnson tells Theresa May to 'channel Moses' to end Brexit furore

Former foreign secretary Boris Johnson was looking to the Bible for inspiration this week to end the row over Britain's exit from the European Union.

Church fears holding Catholic beliefs may soon be a 'hate crime'
Church fears holding Catholic beliefs may soon be a 'hate crime'

A "climate of heightened sensitivity" and increasingly broad definitions of 'hate crime' are putting freedom of speech and belief at risk, the Catholic Church in Scotland has warned.

God cherishes women - why knowing this makes all the difference to our marriage
God cherishes women - why knowing this makes all the difference to our marriage

Understanding how much God cherishes women is important not only for wives but husbands too

Pro-life student group wins right to affiliate at Glasgow University after threat of legal action
Pro-life student group wins right to affiliate at Glasgow University after threat of legal action

A pro-life student group has successfully overturned a decision to deny it affiliation at Glasgow University after threatening legal action.

Hundreds of thousands march through London demanding second referendum

Hundreds of thousands of people opposed to Britain's withdrawal from the European Union marched through central London on Saturday to demand a new referendum as the deepening Brexit crisis risked sinking Prime Minister Theresa May's premiership.

Church opens its doors to community for prayer after body of Libby Squire is found
Church opens its doors to community for prayer after body of Libby Squire is found

Hull Community Church has opened its doors to members of the community grieving the loss of Libby Squire after the missing student's body was found in the Humber estuary.

Canada's oldest rape crisis centre defunded for refusing to allow trans women
Canada's oldest rape crisis centre defunded for refusing to allow trans women

The Vancouver city council has voted to cut public funding from Canada's oldest rape crisis centre because they refuse to allow trans-identified males into spaces specifically reserved for female victims.

Figuring out what God is calling us to is simple really
Figuring out what God is calling us to is simple really

Doing the work of God isn't always glamorous but it's always, always life-changing for those on the receiving end

Islamic State has been defeated, say Syrian Democratic Forces
Islamic State has been defeated, say Syrian Democratic Forces

US-backed forces said they had captured Islamic State's last shred of territory in eastern Syria at Baghouz on Saturday, ending the group's self-proclaimed caliphate after years of fighting.

Police to take 'no further action' against Caroline Farrow over 'misgendering' complaint
Police to take 'no further action' against Caroline Farrow over 'misgendering' complaint

No further action will be taken by police against Caroline Farrow, the Catholic journalist who faced being investigated after she was accused of "misgendering" the daughter of a trans rights activist.

Christians and Muslims stand together to remember victims of New Zealand mosque shootings
Christians and Muslims stand together to remember victims of New Zealand mosque shootings

Christians stood side by side with Muslims on Friday as New Zealand remembered the victims of the mosque shootings a week ago.

Home Office to review Christian asylum seeker's rejection after outcry over letter quoting Bible
Home Office to review Christian asylum seeker's rejection after outcry over letter quoting Bible

The Home Office has said it will review an Iranian Christian's request for asylum after a rejection letter quoting the Bible caused an uproar.

Gap closing between number of evangelicals and religious 'nones' in the US
Gap closing between number of evangelicals and religious 'nones' in the US

The number of religious "nones" in the United States are now statistically equal to the number of evangelicals, according to a political scientist who analyzed data from the recently released 2018 General Social Survey.

Cyclone Idai disaster 'is getting worse', not better, warns CAFOD
Cyclone Idai disaster 'is getting worse', not better, warns CAFOD

Catholic aid agency CAFOD says it has been left shocked as the scale of the destruction caused by Cyclone Idai across southern Africa becomes more apparent.

Don't look to God for an answer to Brexit impasse, says Tony Blair
Don't look to God for an answer to Brexit impasse, says Tony Blair

Former Prime Minister Tony Blair suggested this week that Christians should make up their own minds about Brexit instead of looking to God for an answer.

Royal College of Physicians adopts neutral position on assisted suicide despite widespread opposition among members
Royal College of Physicians adopts neutral position on assisted suicide despite widespread opposition among members

The Royal College of Physicians has abandoned its historic opposition to assisted suicide despite over half of its members saying they would refuse to participate if the practice was made legal.