
When it's not OK to not be OK
On a very personal level, one of the best things we can do is to educate ourselves.

Pro-life student group wins right to presence on Aberdeen University campus after legal challenge
A pro-life student group has been told it can formally have a presence on Aberdeen University campus following a legal challenge.

Iranian court upholds prison sentences of two Christian converts
Saheb Fadaie was sentenced to 18 months in prison and Fatemeh Bakhteri to 12 months last September after being found guilty of "spreading propaganda against the regime".

Crackdown on Eritrea's Christians ahead of Independence Day
Eritrea has arrested more than 140 Christians who were meeting in private in the capital Asmara. Fourteen children are among the 141 detained, after the authorities raided a Christian gathering in Mai Temenai.

Christians fearful after two more deadly attacks in Burkina Faso
Violence against Christians has risen dramatically in Burkina Faso this year.

New sanctuary marks fresh start for Texas church where over two dozen people were killed
Sutherland Springs began a new chapter on Sunday when it dedicated a brand new sanctuary a year and a half after a horrific mass shooting left over two dozen congregants dead.

The lessons I have learned and unlearned about being a good mother
I occasionally joke with our kids that they can pay for their own counselling in later life. What I mean is that although my husband and I have done our best, we are only human.

A beautiful truth for the worn-out mother of little children
A mother's harshest critic is usually herself but God is not harsh or critical of me

Your calling is not what saves you
While we are continually reminded in church of the dangers of social media and our identities in Christ, we forget the very tendency to mimic this behaviour before the pulpit.

Police file New Zealand's first terrorism charge over mosque shootings
New Zealand police have charged the man accused of murder in shootings at two Christchurch mosques in March with engaging in a terrorist act, the first time such a charge had been brought in the country's history, they said on Tuesday.

Sadiq Khan is wrong about abortion clinic buffer zones, says pro-life group
Pro-lifers have expressed disappointment over the Mayor of London's support for buffer zones around abortion clinics.
European elections guide: what's actually on the ballot paper?
European elections in the UK are rarely about Europe. They are generally seen, by journalists, campaigners and public alike, as massive opinion polls.

Ireland's Catholic bishops in spirited plea ahead of the European elections
Given the potentially profound and far-reaching implications of Brexit for all citizens on this island, participating in the European elections this week, in an informed and conscientious way, has rarely been more important, say bishops

'I have always believed in miracles' - Yes, pray for Scott Morrison and this government
Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morison, an unashamed Christian who worships in a Sydney Pentecostal congregation, opened his victory speech with these words: "I have always believed in miracles."

UK Government criticised over asylum rejection for Pakistani Christian family
The Very Rev Susan Brown said she was "angered and exasperated" by the UK Government's treatment of people who are genuinely seeking refuge on British shores.

Former lesbian explains why she left same-sex relationship after going back to church
A woman who had a lesbian partner has opened up about why she ended the relationship after coming back to church four years ago.