
Church must 'step up' to stop spread of transgender ideology, says ex-trans man
The Church of England must "step up" to "halt" the spread of transgender ideology in schools, says a man who had a sex change to become a woman before experiencing regret and detransitioning.

The rise of the religious nones may be slowing down
The much-documented decline in religious affiliation among United States citizens may finally be slowing down, according to recent research.

Climate activists welcome Church of England's 2030 net zero target
Christian Aid's Director of Policy and Campaigns, Patrick Watt, said that the 2030 target would be an encouragement to "vulnerable people on the front lines of the climate crisis who will see an institution taking the danger seriously and responding to it".

Archbishop of Canterbury reaffirms apology to victims of clergy abuse
The Church of England has a long way to go before it can call itself a "safe" Church, the Archbishop of Canterbury admitted on Wednesday.

Climate campaigners want Church of England to bring forward zero emissions target
Members of Christian Climate Action (CCA) are holding the vigil outside the Church of England's General Synod in memory of "the children who have lost their lives to the climate emergency".

Starbucks partners with Mermaids on transgender campaign
It's "a symbol of our warm welcome", Starbucks said.

Church of England apologises for racism towards Windrush generation and minority ethnic people
The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby said there was "no doubt" that the Church of England was still "deeply institutionally racist".

Living in Love and Faith process is a 'call to action' for Church of England - bishop
Bishop Christopher Cocksworth said the LLF resources were a chance to "embark on a new way of doing things", as he repeatedly spoke of his desire to see a "change in culture" within the Church.

Christians on the Left throw support behind Keir Starmer for Labour leader
Christians on the Left have come out in support of Sir Keir Starmer in the Labour leadership contest.

'Do not soldier on' - coronavirus advice issued to Church of England parishes
The advice issued by the Dioceses of London and Chichester says that there is "no immediate risk" but stresses the importance of being prepared.

Life is art, even if it's messy
When I think of my life through the lens of art it looks messy, incomplete, rough around the edges, full of pencil markings, and faint lines I've tried to erase. It doesn't look anything like the works of art I admire so much in the Art Institute of Chicago.

Head of global church-planting network removed over 'accusations of abusive leadership'
The CEO of global church-planting network Acts 29 has been removed following accusations that he resorted to bullying and control.

Church of England's parliamentary body reaffirms commitment to tackling clergy stress and burnout
The Covenant for Clergy Care and Wellbeing was proclaimed an Act of Synod by the Church of England's parliamentary body on Monday, and will now be sent out to all 42 dioceses to formally adopt.

Archbishop of Canterbury appeals for unity at the start of Synod
The Archbishop of Canterbury has told Anglicans at odds with each other over sexuality and marriage that their real enemy is the devil, not each other.

Christian Institute threatens legal action against Warwickshire council over school sex ed policy
The policy asserts that gender identity "can be best understood as being a spectrum" and "transgender children have the right to use whichever toilet or changing room they feel most comfortable using".

One man's painful gender detransition journey
Now suffering from a host of medical complications as a result of years of hormone treatment, including phantom pain in his groin and bouts of severe depression, 'Fitz' is five years into his detransition journey and is reintegrating with his anatomically male body.