
Christians told to renounce Jesus or be refused coronavirus aid - 'Let your God take care of your family'
Christians are being told to renounce their faith in Jesus or have their coronavirus aid support for their families taken away.â¨â¨

Dutch Bill would allow healthy over-75s to choose assisted suicide if they feel their life is 'complete'
Pia Dijkstra, Foreign Minister for the four-party coalition Government and medical ethics lead for coalition party D66, submitted the proposed Bill last week.

Virtual evensong to raise money for cathedral choirs feeling the strain from coronavirus
TV presenter Alexander Armstrong and news reader Katie Derham are lending their support to a virtual evensong to raise money for cathedral choirs struggling financially as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

Anger after Sheffield Cathedral decides to shut down beloved choir
Sheffield Cathedral has been widely criticised on social media after announcing the closure of its choir over concerns that it is not diverse enough.

Teaser trailer released for movie adaptation of 'Redeeming Love'
The movie is based on the bestselling Christian novel by Francine Rivers and is due out in 2021.

11 Christians killed in latest attack in Nigeria
Dozens of Christians have been killed in separate attacks in southern Kaduna state in the last month and a half.

Christian girl abducted and forced into Islamic marriage is now pregnant, says family's lawyer
A Christian teenage girl abducted and forced to marry a Muslim man in Pakistan is now pregnant and confined to a single room, the family's lawyer has said.

Virtual doctors are a lifeline for impoverished families in Ecuador
Many impoverished families in Ecuador have neither the money nor transportation to visit a hospital. As the pandemic continues to strain the country's health service, Compassion International is addressing the need with a new telehealth hotline.

'It's easier to wear a mask than a ventilator' - TD Jakes
Megachurch pastor TD Jakes told people to "be smart" as the coronavirus pandemic continues to claim lives.

Muslim leaders express concern over plans to make Hagia Sophia a mosque
Muslim leaders have expressed their support for calls to keep the Hagia Sophia in Turkey open to people of all faiths.

Positive contribution of faith groups in social cohesion deserves greater recognition - report
The role of faith groups in social cohesion is undervalued, says a new joint report from the Theos think tank.

Is a Covid-19 vaccine the mark of the Beast? 'Bible Answer Man' says Kanye West misinterpreted Revelation 13
Kanye West told Forbes magazine he's "extremely cautious" about the possibility of a vaccine for the coronavirus But Bible Answer Man Hank Hanegraaff thinks the rapper has misinterpreted Revelation chapter 13.

Anti-Trump election ads tell Christians he's 'using' them
Christians have been told they're being used by Donald Trump in political ads opposing the US President ahead of the November election.

Thousands sign petition calling for RSE watchdog
Over 20,000 people have signed a petition calling for a watchdog to be established ahead of the roll-out of the Government's controversial new Relationships and Sex Education curriculum.

Compensation payout to abuse victim of JRR Tolkien's priest son to be tripled
An unnamed abuse victim of Father John Tolkien, Catholic priest and son of JRR Tolkien, is to receive triple the original compensation from the Catholic Church.

Wealthy nations less likely to say belief in God is necessary to be moral
The Pew Research Center examined attitudes towards God and morality across 34 countries and found that beliefs vary according to economic development.