
Eric Metaxas responds to punch video, says guy was 'menacing'
Eric Metaxas responds to punch video, says guy was 'menacing'

Eric Metaxas has responded to video footage of him appearing to punch an anti-Trump protester.

Liberty University launches investigation into Falwell presidency
Liberty University launches investigation into Falwell presidency

Trustees said they wanted to learn "the consequences that have flowed from a lack of spiritual stewardship" by former President Jerry Falwell Jr.

Christian parents of 12-year-old praying for a 'miracle' after court approves withdrawal of medical treatment
Christian parents of 12-year-old praying for a 'miracle' after court approves withdrawal of medical treatment

The family of a 12-year-old boy with serious brain injuries are praying for a "miracle" after a High Court judge ruled in favour of withdrawing his medical treatment.

Many churches have survived Covid only by 'the skin of their teeth'
Many churches have survived Covid only by 'the skin of their teeth'

Many churches have had to make "drastic changes" to their ministry and may not have survived Covid at all if the pandemic had been as bad as originally feared, says Andy Hunter, FIEC's Scotland & North of England Director.

Kanye West says he started to read the Bible after 2016 hospitalization
Kanye West says he started to read the Bible after 2016 hospitalization

Kanye West speaks about his faith in a new interview in which he says God brought him to his knees "multiple times".

Rowan Williams joins climate action outside Parliament as Christians arrested
Rowan Williams joins climate action outside Parliament as Christians arrested

Dr Rowan Williams was one of many Christians taking part in Extinction Rebellion protests in London on Tuesday.

New nationwide initiative to get the Church reading together
New nationwide initiative to get the Church reading together

It is hoped that the Big Church Read will inspire a culture of reading good Christian books within the UK Church.

Finnish MP interrogated by police again over Christian views on sexuality
Finnish MP interrogated by police again over Christian views on sexuality

A Christian MP has been interrogated by the police for the third time over her traditional views on family and marriage.

Megachurch pastor John Gray submits to 'process of restoration' after infidelity claims
Megachurch pastor John Gray submits to 'process of restoration' after infidelity claims

"For every area of behavior that has dishonored the holiness of God, I want to tell you that I'm sorry," he said.

Russia: dozens of 'missionary activity' convictions in first half of 2020
Russia: dozens of 'missionary activity' convictions in first half of 2020

There were dozens of prosecutions for "missionary activity" in the first half of 2020 in Russia.

Calls for independent RSE watchdog as new curriculum comes into effect
Calls for independent RSE watchdog as new curriculum comes into effect

A petition calling for an independent watchdog to monitor the new relationships and sex education (RSE) curriculum has been signed by over 38,000 people.

94% of COVID-19 deaths in USA had \'other contributing health conditions\'; Only 6% list Coronavirus alone
94% of COVID-19 deaths in USA had 'other contributing health conditions'; Only 6% list Coronavirus alone

It has been revealed that just 6 percent of deaths attributed to coronavirus in the United States list Covid-19 as the only cause.

LA county takes back John MacArthur's parking lot amid dispute over church closure
LA county takes back John MacArthur's parking lot amid dispute over church closure

John MacArthur's megachurch has been told it can no longer use part of its parking lot that has been leased from Los Angeles County since 1975.

The Covid blame game won't help anyone
The Covid blame game won't help anyone

The blame game is a deadly distraction from dealing with any major problem.

Vicar arrested over climate protests says he's prepared to go to prison
Vicar arrested over climate protests says he's prepared to go to prison

A vicar has been arrested over his involvement in climate protests ahead of Extinction Rebellion's September Uprising.

The Democrats are 'opposed to faith', says Franklin Graham
The Democrats are 'opposed to faith', says Franklin Graham

The son of Billy Graham predicts that a "storm is coming" in which Christians are going to be "attacked" for their faith.