
Concerns for welfare of nuns and priests stranded in Afghanistan
Prayers are being sought for the safety of two Jesuit priests and four nuns stranded in Afghanistan.

Christians at risk of death in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan
Afghans suspected of being Christians are at risk of being killed "immediately" by the Taliban if they refuse to renounce the faith.

The Church in Afghanistan: What the Taliban takeover means for believers there
Early indications are not encouraging. Almost as quickly as the Islamic fundamentalists are taking control of cities, Christians are being notified that they are being watched.

We cannot abandon Haiti Church after earthquake, says ACN
The deadly earthquake killed over 1,400 people and destroyed or badly damaged many buildings, among them churches.

National network launches to support Church of England's Chinese heritage clergy
The Teahouse will "support and empower" Chinese-heritage clergy in the Church of England, says founder Mark Nam.

Afghanistan: World Evangelical Alliance warns of 'dire prospects' for Christians and other minorities
The World Evangelical Alliance says Christians are "now at even greater risk" in Afghanistan after the takeover by the Taliban.

Calls for prayer for Afghanistan as Christians warn of 'dangerous time'
"It's a heartbreaking day for the citizens of Afghanistan and an even more dangerous time to be a Christian," says Brother Samuel, Open Doors Field Director for Asia.

Pakistani Christian family find refuge in Europe after death row ordeal for blasphemy
Two months after being acquitted by a high court and surviving death threats, a Pakistani Catholic mother and her partially paralyzed husband, who were on death row for seven years on false blasphemy charges, have arrived in Europe.

Christian persecution 'set to rise' after Taliban takeover of Afghanistan
Christians in Afghanistan are fearing for their lives after the Taliban stormed across the country, taking back power at lightning speed.

Plymouth churches mourn shooting victims at Sunday services
Churches in Plymouth have used their Sunday services to remember the five victims of a mass shooting in the city on Thursday.

Premier League clubs aren't taking gambling harms seriously, says Christian charity
The prevalence of betting advertising among Premier League clubs is "dispiriting", a Christian charity has said.

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association sends chaplains to Plymouth after shooting
The BGEA has dispatched a rapid response team to the city after the deadly shooting that killed five people, including a three-year-old girl.

Majority of Irish support protection of single-sex spaces
The first gender poll of the Irish public shows a majority in favour of single-sex spaces, services and sports but also reveals substantial support for transgender expression.

Churches open their doors to support Plymouth community after shooting tragedy
Churches in Plymouth have opened their doors to offer a space for prayer and reflection after a tragic shooting in the city on Thursday evening.

Children suffered horrific abuse at the hands of 'sadistic monks'
Some of the monks in charge of children at two Catholic-run schools in Scotland were "serial sexual predators", an inquiry has found.

Blanket ban on conversion therapy 'would imprison many in their misery'
The Christian Medical Fellowship has warned the Scottish Government that a "blanket ban" on conversion therapy "would imprison many in their misery".