
Most faith groups agree US has gone astray - they don't agree on the way forward

The research, released shortly before Election Day, sheds light on questions of race, sexuality, abortion and immigration as well as sentiments about the country's origins.

Inspired by a shared vision

As a leader, you don't want to herd chickens. So, why does it sometimes feel like that's what you are doing?

Living according to the standards of the Bible, not my own

Like Joseph, let us stand up for what is right, even if we have to stand alone.

UK 'ignoring' democracy and devolution with abortion in Northern Ireland

The UK government has been accused of "ignoring" the right to life of the unborn and "the principles of democracy and devolution" in Northern Ireland after announcing this week that it will begin commissioning abortion services in the province.

Government says abortion clinic buffer zones are incompatible with human rights law

Buffer zones that prevent pro-lifers from offering help outside abortion clinics are incompatible with human rights law, the government has said.

Gender self-identification plans pass first stage in Scottish parliament

MSPs have given their support to the Scottish government's plans to make changing legal gender quicker and easier.

Hillsong's Benjamin Hastings says he battled mental health issues while writing new solo album

Singer and songwriter Benjamin Hastings, most known for his worship music with Hillsong United, is embarking on a solo music career and sharing vulnerable songs about the past season of his life.

Do you care?

Our simple acts of kindness might remind those who are helpless that they are remembered.

Healing takes time

As we seek help for our hurt and what's broken or torn, let's persevere on in this recovery journey knowing that with the proper support and in time, we will once again be made whole.

Christian baker who refused to bake cake for lesbian wedding prevails in court

A court has ruled that the Christian owner of Tastries Bakery in California acted lawfully when she refused to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple and instead referred them to a different bakery, citing her sincere religious belief that marriage is intended to be between one man and one woman.

Franklin Graham wins nearly £100,000 in damages over Scottish venue cancellation

A Glasgow court has awarded American evangelist Franklin Graham nearly £100,000 in damages after his event was cancelled by a venue in the city in 2020.

UK's Church of the Year 2022 unveiled

Winners of the first ever National Church Awards have been announced by comedian and actor Hugh Dennis.