Growth of religious 'nones' appears to be slowing: Gallup report
Americans who identify as religious unaffiliated appear to be slowing in their population growth, according to a recent analysis from the prominent polling organization Gallup.
Archbishop praying after 'terrible' Channel tragedy
The Archbishop of Canterbury has spoken of his sadness over the loss of four migrants who died when their small boat capsized in the English Channel.
Christian employees feel 'silenced' in the workplace - study
"Hostility" and "ridicule" are some of the experiences reported by Christian employees in the UK and US, according to a major new study.
Associated Press tells journalists not to use 'fetal heartbeat', 'late-term abortion'
The Associated Press' guidelines advising journalists against using terms like "fetal heartbeat" and "late-term abortion" has drawn the ire of pro-life activist organizations who feel the directive obfuscates the abortion issue.
The Gospel in the heart of Central Asia
Kazakhstan is strategically and geopolitically very well positioned between China, Europe and the Middle East, with a growing and vibrant evangelical church to influence this part of the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thousands back petition calling on CofE to scrap transgender schools guidance
A petition calling on the Church of England to scrap its transgender guidance for schools has been signed by 15,000 people.
Welby staying quiet on LGBT views
Justin Welby has suggested he will refrain from sharing his own views about same-sex marriage so long as he is the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Only half of UK Christians think it is important to share their faith with others
The survey also found that many know nothing about the Great Commission.
Hillsong exec. tells court abuse by Frank Houston wasn't reported because it's not a 'current matter'
The general manager of Sydney-based Hillsong Church has told a court that sex abuse committed by Frank Houston, father of the leader of the global multisite church, was not reported to authorities because it wasn't a "current matter."
Church destroyed during 9/11 attacks reopens
A Greek Orthodox church has reopened in Manhattan more than two decades after it was destroyed in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Four new inscriptions discovered at ancient Galilee church
Researchers have recently uncovered four new inscriptions near Galilee that showcase evidence of early Christianity at a site commonly known as the "Burnt Church."
1,300-year-old necklace may have been worn by female Christian leader
A remarkable "once-in-a-lifetime" discovery of a gold and gemstone necklace in a Northamptonshire pit may have belonged to an early female Christian leader, say British archaeologists.