Christmas story 'reminds all of us to reach out to one another', says PM
The Prime Minister has thanked churches and charities for welcoming "every person" this Christmas.
Church of England must 'be changed', says Archbishop of York in Christmas sermon
The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, has used his Christmas Day sermon to call for change in the Church of England.
'Sad Christmas' for Christians in the Holy Land
Christians in the Holy Land are praying for peace this Christmas after another difficult year marked by conflict and suffering.
Protests erupt in Syria following the burning of a Christmas tree
Christians in Syria are on alert after a Christmas tree in Suqaylabiyah was set on fire, triggering protests.
Christmas Day baptisms bring hope to Democratic Republic of Congo amid fierce conflict
Dozens of Christians are to be baptised at a special Christmas Day service in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Denzel Washington becomes a licensed minister following baptism
"It took a while, but I'm finally here," Washington said.
Rediscovering the true reason for the season
Only the God of Christmas, the God whose birth as a human being took place on 25 December, can give us the true happiness we seek in this life and eternal life in the age to come.
Religious groups facing harassment in record number of countries
Members of religious groups faced harassment by either governmental actors or social groups in a record number of countries and territories as a new Pew Research Center analysis finds acts of hostility against Christians are on the rise.
How a humble folk song became the world's best-known carol
At Christmas time, the best-loved of all Christmas carols is Silent Night. This is its story ...
What was the star that the wise men followed?
At Christmas, we remember the wise men who followed a star to Bethlehem. But what was the star? This is the story ...
Seven good Christmas films you've probably never watched before
If you fancy a change, here are seven seasonal movies that are less well-known, yet full of Christmas spirit.
Christian mother acquitted of blasphemy charges in Nigeria
A Christian mother of five children in Nigeria who spent 19 months in jail on baseless blasphemy charges was acquitted last week, according to legal advocacy group ADF International.