Christian mother of 5 released on bail after 19 months in Nigerian prison
After being imprisoned for over 500 days in Nigeria, a Christian mother of five has been released on bail and awaits a trial that could land her up to five more years behind bars if she is found guilty of "blasphemy."
Prime Minister sends greetings as Christians take to the streets to 'shine their light'
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has extended his best wishes as Christians take to the street this weekend for the Shine Your Light campaign.
High Court upholds criminalisation of prayer and Bible reading outside abortion clinic
The High Court has ruled that it is legal to criminalise activities like prayer and reading from the Bible within a buffer zone around an abortion clinic in Bournemouth.
Christian women stage climate protest at National Gallery
Five Christian women staged a climate change protest with a nativity theme inside London's National Gallery on Friday.
Duchess of York speaks of 'humbling' visit to Burnley church
Sarah, Duchess of York, has paid a visit to a church in Burnley to see firsthand how it is supporting the local community.
The story of the Christmas tree
The Christmas tree is not in the Bible but is rooted in Christian symbolism. This is the story...
The theological significance of Christmas movies
Criticisms of Christmas movies are entirely fair, but I want to argue that, for all their shortcomings, movies in this genre do in fact point us towards two extremely important theological truths that we all need to hear.
Pope reveals burial plans
Pope Francis has already made plans for his funeral and burial, he revealed this week.
Christmas resource for churches highlights lived experience of refugees
Churches are being asked to play a five-minute video that highlights the "significant" link between the original Christmas story of the birth of Jesus, and the lived experience of millions of refugees in the world today.
Church leaders welcomed to Downing Street
Church leaders were welcomed to the official residence of the Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street on Tuesday for an Advent reception.
How art can grow our intimacy with Christ
In Advent, we are preparing our hearts and our lives for the birth of Jesus. Some of this preparation will be joyful but, as with any new birth, there will also be apprehension.
Bishop asks clergy not to use Church of England's new same-sex prayers
"As your bishop I simply cannot advise you to use prayers that indicate a departure from the clear teaching of the Church of England."