You are not a mistake: Why knowing this makes all the difference in your relationship with God


Deep inside every human being is an embedded desire to know the reason for his creation—the specific purpose why he is here on earth. Since no one wants to live a meaningless life, the closer we come to understanding Jesus Christ, the more we realise what our God-ordained call is.

Mistakes. No one likes them. We can learn from them and benefit from them, but it still doesn't change the fact that no one wants to make them. That's why it's so offensive for people to think that they are a mistake. Yet, sadly, so many broken and searching people believe fervently that their lives are a result of a mistake.

But God wants you to know today—as He has said in His Word and proven with all His creations—that you are not a mistake. It doesn't matter how you were born or what kind of mistakes you made. God does not think you are a mistake, and neither should you—even if you were the result of an unwanted pregnancy, or an unwanted employee or an unwanted church member. God wants you and calls you to His glorious purpose.

Just as God told the prophet Jeremiah, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations." (Jeremiah 1:5)

He's telling you today that you are no different. Even as you were just being formed or even conceptualised, God already had all things mapped out for you because He wants to give you a purpose here on earth.

No one is a mistake. Moreover, our race is not a mistake. The world wants you to think that humans are random occurrences that came out of an accidental explosion.

However, deep down inside, our hearts scream for the desire to be born for something bigger than us. Genesis 2:7 says "then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature."

We are not a random occurrence. We are a people made intentionally by a powerful being who came down from heaven, got on His knees, and put His hands in the dirt to form us.

You were made for a reason, and the call God has for you today is to find what that purpose is, and pursue it with all your heart. The closer you get to Jesus, the more you find your purpose in Him.

Jesus calls you to pick up your cross—your purpose—as you follow Him. Leave the failure, the haunting past and the mistakes behind. You are not a mistake, you are a child of God called into action and God wants you on His team.