'Yooka-Laylee' now available for Nintendo Switch with support for single JoyCon multiplayer

"Yooka-Laylee's" breathtaking visuals can now be experienced on the Nintendo Switch. YouTube/Nintendo UK

Playtonic's platformer "Yooka-Laylee" is now available for the Nintendo Switch. The spiritual successor to Rare's "Banjo-Kazooie" includes the updates and post-release content in the port. It also has features specifically added for the hybrid console.

The Nintendo Switch port will be based on the latest version of the game. It will include a customized Achievement system to make up for the lack of achievements and trophies for the hybrid console. Multiplayer support using a single JoyCon is featured, as well.

Of course, one of the biggest advantages of the Switch port is that players can play "Yooka-Laylee" on-the-go.

"Yooka-Laylee" will retain the epic platforming experience loved by fans in the original. Players new to the game will be introduced to the story of Yooka the chameleon and Laylee the bat.

These two are the main playable characters, and the game's story revolves on their adventures. Their main objective is to defeat Capital B, a villain who plans to use a magical book to turn all of the world's literature into his personal source of profit.

Being a platformer, players will need to learn a variety of moves in order to be successful with the levels. Skillful players will find plenty of moves to master, with loads of collectible items as rewards.

There will also be a healthy amount of puzzles to balance out the action-oriented moments. The game offers five distinct worlds so there will be enough variety to keep players entertained for hours. These are Tribalstack Tropics, Glitterglaze Glacier, Moodymaze Marsh, Capital Cashino and Galleon Galaxy.

As the trailer shows, the level designs are stunning, featuring bright colors in outdoor areas. Even indoors, the game tries to add variations in color and structure to make the gameplay experience exciting.

"Yooka-Laylee" was first released in April 2017. It was made by Playtonic Games and published by "Escapists 2" developers Team17.

The game is now available for the Nintendo Switch. It can also be played on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows PC, Linux, or Mac.