Microsoft recently announced the next batch of "Xbox Games with Gold titles" for July 2017.
For July, Xbox Live Gold members with Xbox One can enjoy "Grow Up" and "Runbow." The former, which normally costs $9.99, is an open-world platform video game that features a robot named BUD; it is the sequel to "Grow Home."Meanwhile, "Runbow," which is normally bought for $14.99, is a platform racing game from Canada-based 13AM Games. Both games are now available to Xbox Live Gold members for free.
On the other hand, Xbox 360 sees more interesting games with "Kane & Lynch 2" and "LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game." The first one is a co-op third-person shooter game that costs $14.99, while the LEGO game sports a dynamic split-screen co-op and tons of characters to play. For non-Xbox Live Gold members, LEGO is available for $19.99.
On the Xbox website, "Xbox Live Gold" members are said to be entitled to a total of four free games every month — two on both "Xbox 360" and "Xbox One." In addition, members get to save $700 "in free games during a year of membership including backward compatible Xbox 360 for your Xbox One."
Last month, "Assassin's Creed III" was made available from June 1 to 15 on Xbox 360, while the other half part of the month, June 16 to June 30, was allotted for "Dragon Age: Origins," available both on Xbox One and Xbox 360.
"SpeedRunners" and a DLC "Phantom Dust" from the Gold Collection were also available on Xbox One for the whole month of June. The latter is a new release so Xbox also gave its Gold members a free multiplayer content that allowed them to use a variety of skills to help defeat the game's enemies. Lastly, the game "Watch Dogs" can be downloaded for free from June 16 to July 15 on Xbox One.
In a post on Xbox's official Facebook account, these games have been given an Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) rating: EVERYONE TO MATURE (Blood, Intense Violence, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs, Use of Alcohol and Sexual Themes).