'X-Men' news: Franchise to return in 2018 with 'X-Men: Dark Phoenix'

Promotional photo from the "X-Men: Dark Phoenix" Twitter page Twitter/X-Men: Dark Phoenix

"X-Men" is returning in 2018 with the 13th instalment to its movie franchise. Titled "X-Men: Dark Phoenix" the movie will pave the way for a new "X-Men" trilogy.

Directed by Simon Kinberg, the movie will star Jennifer Lawrence, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Nicolas Hoult, and several other famous movie stars.

"X-Men: Dark Phoenix" is set nine years after the events of "X-Men Apocalypse." The X-Men are busy with dangerous quests and while in space, they were caught in a solar flare. The group will be saved by Jean Grey, but as a result, the sleeping phoenix within Jean awakens. It is up to the X-Men to contain the Dark Phoenix and help their friend Jean. Not only that, with the Dark Phoenix' presence, earth and humanity will be at risk of annihilation.

Photos of "X-Men: Dark Phoenix" have started to surface. According to Gizmodo, it paints an especially interesting picture of Jean Grey. The awakened phoenix takes over the heroine, turning her into a less than the ideal version of herself – she begins to show the darker aspects of her personality and ends up struggling to control herself.

The movie will also introduce a new antagonist. Den of Geek reported that the newcomer would be a manipulative shapeshifter — one who wanted to use Jean Grey and the Dark Phoenix for their own gain.

The movie is set to be released in November of 2018.

IGN also uploaded a YouTube video about "X-Men: Dark Phoenix" on their channel. The video was uploaded on Dec. 7 and brought up some of the plot points that would be important to "X-Men Dark Phoenix." It shared some detailed information — when the movie will take place, the space mission they were sent on, and information regarding the solar flare that awakened the Dark Phoenix.