'X-Men: Dark Phoenix' spoilers: First look at Jean Grey's transformation; Island of Genosha confirmed

Charles and Hank use Cerebro in "X-Men: Apocalypse" Twitter/XMenMovies

The Phoenix will rise once again in the upcoming "X-Men: Dark Phoenix." More details regarding the plot, including the first look at Sophie Turner's Jean Grey transforming into the incredibly powerful cosmic entity.

The latest issue of Entertainment Weekly features the first look at what Jean will look like when she succumbs to the malevolent Phoenix Force, therefore turning into the Dark Phoenix. The photo reveals the telepath's fiery transformation into the being.

Director Simon Kinberg revealed that post-production for the film will take almost a year in order to properly visualize Jean's transformation.

"I wanted the post time to deliver on the nuance of the visual effects, not just the scale of them. That takes time," he said.

The second photo in the gallery is bound to make fans of the "X-Men" comics excited as it reveals an important aspect to one of the biggest storylines in the "X-Men" universe — "Dark Phoenix" will be going into space.

At the start of the upcoming movie, the whole team will go on a rescue mission, but they will hit a snag when a solar flare hits the X-Jet. While Jean uses her telepathic and telekinetic powers to save the group, it unlocks the long-dormant Phoenix inside her. As seen in the photo, Jean is outside the ship and her figure glows as she transforms.

The third photo features Jessica Chastain's shape-shifting character standing in what might be the once again destroyed X-Mansion. Ever since the actress was announced to join the cast, many assumed that she would be playing Lilandra, the Shi'Ar Empress who comes into contact with Charles (James McAvoy) in this storyline and the supposed antagonist.

That does not seem to be the case. While Chastain will be playing a villain, her character is not Lilandra.

The fourth photo features Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) aboard what seems to be the X-Jet and sporting a new look. The shape-shifter has a red bob instead of her usual slicked back hairstyle. Lawrence revealed that her character has matured since the events of "X-Men: Apocalypse." She went on to say that the shape-shifting mutant has also gotten more "maternal," becoming more protective of the students compared to Charles, who is determined to prove to the world that mutants are good for humanity.

The fifth photo is of Jean again, sitting in the rain and having a breakdown. The Phoenix power was first teased in the final battle in "Apocalypse," and in this installment, she will find herself struggling once again. Jean will try to overcome this growing force within her before it consumes her, which inevitably fails.

The sixth photo reveals a funeral occurring someplace. This is no doubt the scene that will have fans on edge as it was teased that a major player would be biting the dust in the upcoming movie. Charles, Nightcrawler (Kodi Smit-McPhee), Cyclops (Tye Sheridan) and Storm (Alexandra Shipp) are all standing over someone's grave and mourning. This will leave more room for speculation as to who it is.

Meanwhile, it is known that Michael Fassbender will be reprising his role as Magneto in " Dark Phoenix." However, how he fits into the grand scheme of things remains to be seen. In the same issue of Entertainment Weekly, Fassbender explained just that, along with confirming a popular location in the "X-Men" universe.

It has been revealed that Jean will cross paths with Magneto sometime after he parted ways with the X-Men in the previous film. In "Dark Phoenix," the master of magnetism is residing on the island of Genosha. Fassbender explained that this island serves as a sanctuary for mutants who have nowhere else to go.

"They have to work as a community, but it's a safe place for them and they'll be accepted," said the actor.

In the comics, Genosha was known for having mutant slaves. At first, its citizens would be tested at birth if they had the X-gene and if they tested positive, their free will would stripped be away. This turned them into slaves of the government.

A covert group within the Genosha government kidnapped members of both the X-Men and the X-Factor factions, Xavier's students, therefore, bringing down the government and Genosha went into a time of civil war.

When it comes to its association with Magneto, he served as its ruler after he placed a political bid for a country that is inhabited by mutants only. Magneto's rule was effective. He was able to eliminate the remains of the former regime and established a mutant country that prospered.

However, when Magneto's goals became too much, the X-Men were forced to take him down and his kingdom followed when Cassandra Nova let a "Wild Sentinel" loose to annihilate the island's citizens.

Genosha is confirmed to be featured in the movie but how big a part this mutant island will play in the franchise remains to be seen.

"X-Men: Dark Phoenix" premieres on Nov. 2, 2018.