The upcoming "X-Men: Apocalypse" film is causing an uproar within the Christian community because its villain Apocalypse (played by Oscar Isaac) is being depicted as the son of God.
"I've been called many things over many lifetimes—Ra, Krishna, Yahweh," Apocalypse says in the movie, according to Charisma News.
"It's hard to describe without getting too deep into it, but I will say this Apocalypse of our film is an amalgam of a lot of different versions of Apocalypse from the comics and the cartoons. I think the things that interested us the most —there are touches of some of the more controversial things, like his origin — but one of the things that interested us most was the notion of his being the first mutant and coming from a time when mutants were treated as gods," he told Collider.
Because Apocalypse is used to being revered as a god, it was a shocking change for him to encounter people who treat him "at best as an equal, and at worst as less than."
"What's a little bit hopefully complex in the movie, or even ambiguous, is how much he's persuading his followers with a superhuman ability or he's just like any cult leader who's really good at convincing people to follow him. So we don't ever really make that explicit — it's not like he's putting people under a spell — but he is superhumanly persuasive," the producer added.
The movie is directed by Bryan Singer and is set for a May 27, 2016 release.