WWE Paige injury news update: Trish Stratus confirms Paige's official retirement

WWE Superstar Paige may finally be down for the count. Facebook/Paige

An insider source has revealed that English professional wrestler Saraya-Jade Bevis, better known by her ring name Paige, is officially retired from in-ring competitions under the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) banner. The source of this information? None other than WWE Hall of Famer, Trish Stratus.

Stratus was recently on an episode of "Chasing Glory with Lillian Garcia," a podcast hosted by another WWE veteran, Lillian Garcia. In the episode, the discussion turned toward Bevis's current status as a wrestler after she got injured in a house show last December.

While on the topic, Stratus confirmed that Bevis is now retired from any actual competitions and that the WWE "would find something else for her to do," which means she might still be active within the WWE program, but not as a fighter.

As it stands, Bevis's current role in the WWE is playing the part of manager for the all-female group Absolution — something that she could continue to do with the recent news about her retirement from in-ring performing.

2018 was set to be the time for Bevis's return to the ring after a few months of being gone due to neck injuries and various other reasons. However, during a match that took place in December, just a month after her return to performing, Bevis sustained a blow to her back that seems to have re-injured her neck.

It is an unfortunate outcome for Bevis's career, especially considering how she just recently came back from a series of controversies, suspensions and injuries.

In late 2016, Bevis was suspended from the WWE after violating the company's wellness policy. While Bevis and her father claimed that the suspension was because of detected prescription drugs, the WWE went out of their way to state that she tested positive for illegal substances. Shortly after that, she underwent surgery that put her out of commission for even longer and she just recently made her return in November 2017, a month before she got injured again, and this time it seems like it is for good.