Worshipping God has nothing to do with how good you sing


You want to worship, but you're just too scared that what might come out of your mouth won't be that "honouring" to God. As funny and silly as that may sound, I've actually met a few people who struggle with the thought of worshipping based on their singing talents. "Good singers are just more anointed by God," someone once told me.

God wants the best no doubt, but He doesn't look for the best in a church choir. He's rather more interested with the best that's in you. 

Maybe you don't struggle with feeling worthy enough to sing praises to God based on vocal capacity, but you might feel you aren't worthy to worship Him because of your inability to avoid sin, to preach the Word, or to live out your faith.

Worship in its full essence has very little to do with our personal worthiness. If it were, the throne room of God would be an empty space. Hebrews 4:15-16 tells us this: "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."

During Old Testament times, people were no different from today in the sense that no one was worthy of God's presence either. But what God did was assign a High Priest who would come on behalf of a people to sacrifice for them so that they would be able to approach God in petition and prayer.

Today, we live by the same code, but with something different. Our High Priest is no longer a mortal man, but is God Himself in the form of Jesus Christ who became our mediator between God and man. Jesus is what stands between you and God and makes you worthy of His presence—not your singing, not your moral perfection, and not even about your good works.

Worship has everything to do with living a life submitted to the full work of Christ believing that it is He that gives us the right and privilege to enter into our Heavenly Father's presence to offer praises and thanksgiving. We don't earn Jesus. In fact, we cannot earn Jesus and His finished work, but we don't have to. It's a free gift of God that we are simply to receive.

Yes God wants the best from us, and we are compelled to become better and better for Him because of His grace. But even as we continue to walk that route to glorification, Jesus will stand as being more than enough confidence for us to approach God's throne.